How should we interpret, "There will be two men in one bed; one will be taken, the other will be left"? Is this referring to homosexuality?

I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. - Luke 17:34 

Luke 17:34

ESV - 34 I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left.

Clarify Share Report Asked December 25 2017 Data marc waller Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I would say that Jesus' emphasis in this passage was on the sudden and unexpected nature of the coming events of which He was speaking, rather than pertaining to the details of the activities being engaged in. 

My understanding is that the original Greek text of this verse did not contain a specific reference to gender, but read only, "There will be two in one bed", which could just as easily pertain to a husband and wife, and not refer at all to homosexuality. The reference to two men was apparently added during the translation into English. Or, the words could also be translated as, "There will be two on one couch", which might be referring to reclining on a couch or cushion (as while eating, which was a common practice at that time), and not be speaking of sleeping in a bed at all. 

Also (again, as I understand it) the reference to being taken away does not refer to punishment or destruction due to sin, but pertains to a future event such as the Rapture, when believers will be removed from earth to escape coming judgment.

Solomon also made a similar reference in Ecclesiastes 4:11 to two individuals of unspecified gender sharing a bed, but it was from the standpoint of warmth, without any sexual connotation.

December 25 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Aurel Gheorghe Supporter
Christ is recorded in the Bible speaking in parable and symbols (Matt 13:34). 

Luke 17:34-36 is no exception. Here Jesus uses some of His favorite symbols to illustrate a simple point: at the end of time, there will be two groups of people living upon the earth - the lost and the saved. 

"Two Men in One Bed." 
A bed generally connotes sleep, and Jesus used sleep as a symbol of death (John 11:11, 14; Matt 27:52). In the resurrection at the last day, there will be two kinds of people sleeping in the grave - the lost and the saved (John 5:28,29). The saved will be taken in the first resurrection (1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 20:4-6) while the lost will be left in the grave for the second resurrection (Daniel 12:2; Rev 20:5; Acts 24:15). 

"Two Women Grinding Together." 
In Bible prophecy, a woman is a symbol of a church (Jeremiah 6:22; 2 Cor 11:2). Grinding grain represents working with the Word of God. When Christ comes in glory, there will be two kinds of churches - the false and the true. Both will be outwardly doing the same thing, but only one will be redeemed. 

"Two Men in The Field". 
The field represents the world (Matt 13:38). When Jesus comes again, there will be two kinds of missionaries laboring out in the field - the false and the true (Matthew 7:22, 23).

December 28 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Ron Goetz Supporter
As I understand it, we need to look at individual verses in the context of the surrounding verses. A few verses earlier, Jesus is recorded as mentioning Lot and Sodom, and the OT has sexual content. Here in Luke we have two men in one bed, then two women grinding together. If Luke 17:34 were in isolation, then we could say it's impossible to know what it means. But with the OT story of Sodom in context, and the possible sexual content of verse 35's "two women grinding together", then the sexual content of verse 34 becomes much more likely than mere sleep.

November 06 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Marc Transparenti Supporter
Luke 17:34 is not referring to homosexuality. The NKJV / KJV English translation for this verse is unfortunate and confusing given our cultural context. Notice the word men is italicized meaning it is NOT in the original Greek. Take a look at the original Greek in an interlinear Bible and there is NO Greek word for “men.” In fact, other translations read “two in one bed” or “two people will be asleep in one bed.” There is nothing sexual or homosexual given the broader context and the point Jesus is driving at which is one will be taken into judgment upon His return and the other left (a believer saved in the tribulation) to enter the Millennial Kingdom.

February 04 2025 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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