What is glossolalia?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Larry Truelove

There are many charismatics who believe the tongues of the Bible were not foreign languages but Holy Spirit inspired "language" not currently spoken in any human culture. They believe these to be "tongues of angels."

That view ignores the plain teaching of Acts 2, and the clear examples of hyperbole in the Bible.

November 06 2014 Report

Data Samuel Akinola

People try to use logic to explain things they don't understand but the bible says God has taken the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

As regards tongues there is the praying in tongues and speaking in tongues. The speaking in tongues is the sign to those who don't believe but the praying in tongues is between you and God no wonder 1Cor 14:14 says if I pray in an unknown tongue it's my spirit that prays but my understanding is unfruitful and again he says in the spirit we speak mysteries. That the occultic do it doesn't mean the Christians experience isn't now real. Remember Saran doesn't create anything he only perverts as we see in the world today. I have seen people pray in tongues and experienced the miraculous

April 04 2016 Report

Mini Lawrence wong

Acts 2:1-4 is the inspired word from the Creator, ALHYM

I do not think that this almighty unprecedented manifestation of the the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by ALHYM, ABBA, can or should be dismissed as an aberration.

We are given the following facts:
Fact 1: Iesou christou (Mt 1:1) commanded the disciples to wait in Yershalaim for the “power” (Greek dunamis, as in dynamite) to come upon them (Lk 24:49)
Fact 2: Being with The Messiah for 3 ½ years was insufficient in Iesou’s mind
Fact 3: The disciples were waiting in “one accord” in the upper room for the Holy Spirit to some upon them. They were still in that state of mind, heart and mind when The Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 2:1) “One Accord” is a synonym for “agreement” which is the Greek word “sumphoneo” (Mt 18:19) a word which The Messiah used to denote that “if two or you agree (sumphoneo) on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Mt 18:19-20).
They had spent some mind-blowing 40 days with the resurrected Messiah and were now patiently waiting in great expectation for the dunamis power to come upon them.
Fact 4: On SHAVUOT, Pentecost, exactly 50 days after PESACH, Passover, the Holy Spirit fell upon all 120 or so men and women disciples. His presence was seen and heard – as: “a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind”; “divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them”; “and they were all filled with [in] the Holy Spirit and began to speak with [in] other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”; Jewish men from, by my count, 17 different language groups heard the miraculous proclamation of great joy (Acts 2:1-4) which had burst out from within each one of the 120 or so disciples!

Fact 5: Tongues were one of the important manifestations, proof of the Holy Spirit’s outpouring from heaven by the Messiah’s Father, who He called “ABBA” (Daddy) in private (Mk 14:36). We are told by the Spirit that there are tongues of men and of angels (1 Cor 13:1).

Fact 6: Satan is the Father of lies (Jo 8:44), he is a master counterfeiter, perform miracles, gets people to speak in demonic tongues, has his own set of religious doctrines, and even appears as an angel of light seeking to deceive even the very elect (2 Cor 4:4).

Oh, that we believe all that the Holy Spirit has written and praise our ABBA, His Son, the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit for His grace which he bestows us liberally and without measure! (Jo 3:34; 1 Cor 12:10-12; Ep 4:7; Jas 1:5).

Lawrence New Zealand.

December 06 2016 Report

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