Should Christians attend weddings of those in other faiths?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
This can be a difficult issue. Believers want to show friendship, but we're wary of seeming to condone the unbiblical aspects of a wedding ceremony in another religion.As a starting point in any de...

July 01 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jean Email Believer
This question has already been answered very well above. However, I would like to add a few instances where men and women of faith in the bible had to have been confronted with pagan practices of worship yet were considered faithful by God:

1. Moses was raised in an Egyptian pharaoh's palace and would likely have had to take part in some ceremonies. Yet his heart was with the Lord.
2. Joseph worked as a slave for an Egyptian pagan worshipper Potiphar and eventually became the Prime Minister of this pagan kingdom. His father in law was a high priest of the cult.
3. Esther was the queen of one of the most powerful pagan kingdoms of that time and again would have come in touch with many pagan practices of her husband the King.
4. Daniel was a senior official in the Babylonian government and would have worked closely with many idolatrous officials. However his friends while also being officials drew the line at direct worship of any idols and were thrown into the furnace as a result.
5. Naaman the Syrian in 2 Kings 5:18 was a senior military official in the government of King Aram and after his healing and conversion, he sought permission from Elisha to continue to enter the temple of the god Rimmon out of respect of his commander in chief; and Elisha, understanding his predicament, granted him permission.

So these examples perhaps illustrate that while we may take part in wedding ceremonies, etc., to show support for our non-Christian friends, we can do so without necessarily being deeply involved in the worship parts of their ceremonies. I'd suggest that if invited to, for example, a Hindu wedding, tell your friend you will attend but will not be able to light the incense in front of the idol or receive the blessing from the holy man presiding, or whatever. You can just sit quietly and respectfully in the ceremony out of love and respect for your neighbor. IF they are a true and worthy friend, surely they would understand, as you would not expect your vegetarian Hindu friends/ Muslim friends to eat the roast pork at your wedding. You would likely cater for them separately so they have their requirements met, I would hope.

December 21 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Brian Ansell Retired school teacher, now sell homemprovements i
They should do whatever they choose as long as they do so in love for their neighbor. That is what Jesus told us to do.

October 15 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Simplicius Pereira Education Trainer & Trading Enterprenuer from Mumbai
Jesus was invited and He was happy to go to the Samaritans, Gentiles and to those who were pagans in faith practice. But wherever he went he proclaimed and taught God's love and his care for humanity in his teachings and miracles. 

Well, this is a challenging and most responsible occasion when people of other faith invite us Christians to their wedding ceremonies. We must make use of the opportunity and behave most responsibly keeping our Christian faith and practice intact and spread the good news and message of Jesus Christ of the equal and most sacred status given to it both for men and women as a holy sacrament. This is the opportunity to educate them how we see this union of man and woman as a holy sacrament united for ever and in this life in every situations and circumstances with the responsibility of building a family in love and service of God and mankind.

We must refrain from any unethical and unpleasant behavior and our participation must not contradict any of our religious convictions and faith principles. We must hold high our Christian values while participating in their weddings and involving ourselves in their activities of wedding ceremony and functions

October 11 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Ursula S Monroe
I say a resounding yes! If you’re invited to a family member’s or friend’s wedding I feel you should go. Why? If they know that you worship the true king then you will be the pillar of truth and the vessel of the Lord’s love. Jesus loves these sinners just as he loves you, oh sinner. Your lack of judgment of their sin shows that you honor God’s right to judge!

January 03 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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