ESV - 5 May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions!
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God hears even the simplest prayer -- including those that are made with no preparation or forethought. However, I think that any petition that one has time to think about and prepare should include the following features, based on the elements included in the Lord's Prayer: -- an expression of reverence or love for God (for example, through a salutation addressing Him as Father or Lord, with control over the subject being prayed about) -- a recognition of humility before God, including one's own sinfulness and need for forgiveness -- an expression of thanks to God for His salvation through Christ, which is what enables us to have boldness to approach God with our prayers -- the substance of the request -- a yielding to God's will (that is, conditioning the request upon it being in accordance with God's omniscient will) -- an indication that the prayer is made in Jesus' name or for Jesus' sake -- closing with word "Amen", indicating our desire that what we have just prayed may be so
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