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What does "Let not your good be spoken of as evil" mean in Romans 14:16?


Romans 14:16

NKJV - 16 Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 26 2016 Open uri20160326 5820 1m9q44f Janice Lawrence

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Mini Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
Paul is making this statement in the context of a discussion in his epistle to the Romans of the applicability of Jewish dietary regulations to Christians. The Mosaic Law classified certain animals as clean or unclean with regard to being sources of food. Unclean animals (such as listed in Leviticus 11) were not to be eaten.

Since Jesus had fulfilled the Law perfectly (which no one else had been capable of doing) on behalf of all humanity, and then (as Paul said in Colossians 2:14) had done away with such regulations by His crucifixion and resurrection (figuratively nailing the regulations to His cross), these restrictions no longer applied to His followers (i.e., Christians). 

In this verse, Paul was telling Christians that, even though these laws no longer applied to them, they should show consideration for others who were not yet aware of this new freedom. If they were eating in the presence of another person who still practiced these dietary restrictions (even if that person was a Christian), they should refrain from eating foods that the other person would regard as unclean.

By practicing such restraint, the Christian would avoid taking an action -- even though the Christian knew that action to be good (because, in Christ, there were no longer any "unclean" foods) -- that the other person might regard as evil, or, because of which, the other person might either be tempted to take an action that he regarded as sinful, or to speak badly of the Christian to others.

That was why Paul was telling Christians not to let their good be spoken of as evil. They were to avoid actions that, even if permitted to them as Christians, might give the appearance of evil to others, or might encourage others to violate their own conscience.

March 26 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders
Let not your good be spoken of as evil.

You know we're all imperfect but some of us have through prayer, the power of the Holy Ghost/Spirit and the power of God's word ascended to a fuller, and stronger walk with the lord through much toil and suffering.

Some of us have received anointing and infilling from the Holy Spirit to accomplish this walk with our Lord and God. But we all war with the flesh and at times allow our witness to be tarnished.

But God has given us a way of escape from these actions that may cause embarrassment or even shame. But if we can humble ourselves before our God and anyone who has witnessed our transgression, we have a way to make it right before both God and man. We can petition both for forgiveness.This humble action before both God and man will obtain mercy always from God but, not necessarily from man.

The practice of eating crow is a good way to stay humble. And grace and mercy are given to the humble of heart, not the proud. So ask for forgiveness whenever and from whomever we have sinned against or in front of. It is an excellent practice of true humility. This action can lead others to the saving grace of our Lord and may take away a stumbling block from someone in your sphere of influence.

Just thoughts!

January 26 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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