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First, please understand that we intend no offense in the wording of this question. We genuinely receive questions, from Catholics, along the lines of "What is the difference between Catholics and ...
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I too was an RC until the age of 19. I believed I was a Christian. I was taught by nuns and then by priests. I was always taught that the RC church was the only true church and that one could not be saved,(whatever that might have meant to me at that time) outside the RC church. But I always believed that the Bible was God's Word, I often wondered why we were not allowed to read it for ourselves without the guidance of a priest. I was befriended by a retired missionary couple whose work had been in an RC country. They showed love and hospitality to me. They never berated me for being an RC but made much of the Lord Jesus Christ and the completed work of salvation He accomplished upon the cross of Calvary authenticated beyond any possible doubt by the proof of His resurrection. I already believed all this but without any assurance of personal salvation as this was taught us at school as being a mortal sin of assumption, with the opposite being the sin of despair. It was on the first Friday of November 1960 that I first acknowledged my need of forgiveness for my sin and the gift of eternal life freely offered to the repentant sinner by God the Father. The Scriptures John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8 and many others became real, true and dynamic to me as never before and laid to rest for ever the error eons teaching I had received from my earliest days. I was a saved soul and despite my many failings since I remain saved, not because of anything I have done or indeed left undone but simply because of the all sufficient work of Christ the Sony of God. I believe it is an insult to try to add the that finished work for securing my salvation, but any service I offer is merely a witness to the Father's love for me. I earnestly would encourage all RCS to read at least John's Gospel and seek the Holy Spirit to teach them the truth. I would encourage all who seek to witness to RCS to make much of the Lord Jesus Christ alone and not to argue about Mary etc. Argument does not save but loving witness and the power of God' Word can and will lead to many sincere and godly minded Roman Catholcs to salvation.
When God looks at people, He does not see Methodist, Luthern, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian or Muslim. He either sees the blood of Christ or He does not. Each of us will stand before God someday. If we have accepted Jesus blood that was shed as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, we are ALL sons of God through faith. The bible teaches that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only mediators we need. Denominations are strictly man made. Gal 3:26-28 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
I was born in a Catholic country and attended a Catholic school but my grandfather was a Christian. There are a lot of things that are not correct in the Catholic church. Deleting the second commandment, praying with long repetitive words, the doctrine of the Purgatory, the position of the Pope during the centuries and too many others. My grandfather said to me that the invitation in the book of Revelations "Come out of it, oh my people" means to be a Christian and not a Catholic.
I was born and raised Catholic and I believe I was a good catholic till age 18/19. Having said that I'm not sure how, but from the time I was 5 in my child like mind I always believed that I could talk to God directly and did and do so. I never felt that as a Catholic I was not a Christian, if asked then I would have said yes I'm a Christian, I go to St. Peter's Catholic Church. Having said this when I started reading the bible on my own and going to a Protestant church I learned more about who and what Christ really did for me. It was also then that I was introduced to the Holy Spirit the third part of our faith the same trinity that is part of the Catholic and Protestant dominations. In my continued quest for more of who Christ is and wants to be in my life I have not thrown out the traditions of my early spiritual up bring in the Catholic Church. Like attending church each Sunday (I don't believe it's a sin to miss) as part of my weekly renewal and food for the week to come. I still believe in the traditions of the sacraments of holy communion and infant baptism but not for my salvation, that Jesus did for me, us once. My advice to my Catholic friends is to read your bible, and to my Protestant friends, do not judge lest ye be judged by the same manner ye did judge! Christ loves us and wants us for his own. The only other advice I would offer: read very slowly and prayerfully the Apostles' Creed. It will speak volumes to what we the apostolic catholic church should believe. Blessing!
As an ex-Catholic, I can testify that there are two trends of thought in the Catholic Church. I think that the reason is the lack of knowledge of the Bible in the Catholic Lay men, and also the 6 added Books in the Catholic Bible which are not inspired in the Protestant Bible and are excluded. The Catholics have been taught that they are Catholics and not Chistians, which is of-course not true. They are Christians first and their denomination is Catholic. Also, some Catholic Churches in some countries have elevated (and I don't know why) the mother of Jesus as equal to Jesus and worship her. There is a lot of confusion about the Bible in that denomination, but I believe that the Catholic and Protestant denominations will unite under their true banner of Christianity and followers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Catholics ARE Christians. The question should be rephrased - I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a PROTESTANT? This is a false dichotomy - to say that Catholics are not Christians. It's like saying Sunnis are not Muslims.
Should a Catholic consider becoming a Christian? Well, does God see denominations or does He (as I believe) see the blood of Christ (if one is committed to Christ as Lord & Savior). I was raised Catholic and chose to become a non-denominational Christian when I was 38. While I appreciated what I learned in Catholic school/church (about Jesus being the Son of God who died for my sins and rose from the dead) and I believed I was Christian, it wasn’t until decades later that I went through a born-again experience that changed my life. I wasn’t seeking to find what was wrong with Catholicism, but it was as if God pulled me closer to Him (into a personal relationship with Him) when He orchestrated circumstances that lead me to a Christian church. In the Christian church, I finally read the Bible (something my Catholic church/school did not do). Through Scripture I learned that Catholicism had certainly taught plenty of truth, but Catholics also had plenty of their own traditions (which don’t always square with Scripture). Without going in depth about those issues (because they are well discussed above), I’d just like to conclude with this… I know some Catholics who, I believe, are Christians. I see it this way…they are devoted to Jesus (as a Christian is) but they have not yet learned enough about the “fine print” of Catholicism to recognize its errors. This, however, is not unlike us Christians who are continually learning and who are not quite accurate on some of our interpretations of parts of Scripture. We are all learning and growing. We are not condemned because we lack perfection of Biblical knowledge. Surely God appreciates those whose heart is stayed on Him, and He will guide them to Himself. To those who are die-hard Catholics, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions: Is my loyalty to the Catholic church greater than my loyalty to Christ Jesus as my Savior? Is my loyalty to Catholicism stopping me from reading Scripture? Do I avoid looking at anti-Catholic material because even if/when I find there are things in the Catholic church that oppose Scripture, I won’t want to leave the church? May the Holy Spirit of God guide each and every one of us.
I am 68 years old, I was raised in the Catholic Church. In 12 yrs of Catholic School, never once was I taught that I wasn't a Christian. The word 'Catholic' means Universal! I learned that Jesus died on the Cross for my Salvation. I left the Church because of some of the teachings. I just want to say that I never thought once that I was not a Christian. I was born again and Baptized in the Spirit in a Catholic Church in 1976, so anyone who thinks that Catholic's are not saved is wrong. God Bless all who read this.
I am a Christian under the Catholic Church. I have never ever come across anyone in the Catholic denomination stating that they are not Christians. In fact they totally believe and are convinced, including myself, that they are the bearers of spreading Christianity throughout the world - making it possible for every other denomination to infiltrate and likewise spread the good news. Where would Christianity be without the wonderful, brave men and women who opened up and paved the way for all, at the expense of their own lives. They sacrificed their lives in order for humanity to receive Christ in all corners of the globe. Please read 'Bulter's, LIVES of the SAINTS', Concise Edition Revised & updated, by Michael Walsh.
Though addressed in different ways, I would like to simplify the idea within the original question. The Christian faith is divided into three sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant (with many denominations). They each have their unique history, and distinct views and practices. But their ultimate focus is on the saving work of Jesus Christ and is, therefore, Christian. So please, no Catholic or Christian, etc. But, also true, is the fact that some people identify with a faith, rather than being committed to it; so there are Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants who are not believers because they really don't follow Christ. For them, faith is an identity, a tradition that is part of their own heritage. But those who are born again in Christ, whatever their sect, are Christian.
I was baptized in a Mennonite church but I came to realize that did not make a Mennonite. I was now part of God's family because of faith in His son, Jesus Christ. I never think of Heaven with divisions and I believe we will be One in Christ there and should be while on earth. Over 2000 years of religion has done much damage and pointing fingers is easy so I explain my faith as a relationship. Usually, when in conversations I will agree with those who denounce religion and just ask, What does any of that have to do with your salvation? He is a personal Saviour. As I learned to trust Him I also began to understand He was trusting me to represent Him while on earth.
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