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What does the Bible say about gay Christians?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 08 2015 Mini Tashiana Shipman Supporter

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Mini Paula Fether Supporter Lifelong student of the scriptures
Lev. 20:9-21 makes it clear how God views sex between anyone but one's opposite-sex spouse to be sin. Likewise, Rom. 1:26-27, being written after the church began, makes it clear that this has not changed. 1 Cor. 5 shows as well that even some heterosexual practice is sin, and how to deal with it when the sinner is unrepentant. 1 Cor. 6:9-11 lists homosexual practice among things Christians must not do, that people who were saved were washed and cleansed from.

So while a person may not be able to change whatever their weakness is, they must not practice these sins. If they do, either by not admitting it's sin or by refusing to stop, they have to be expelled from Christian fellowship. This doesn't mean they're to be hated or mistreated, but to be loved and prayed for, that they may repent and be restored to fellowship, as shown in 2 Cor. 2:5-11.

May 26 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

20230618 192834 Donna Williams Supporter
First, I would like to say that this is a very sensitive topic, and I want to be as empathetic as possible. 

In my opinion there is no such thing as a gay Christian. When a person is born again they become a new creation in Christ Jesus. See 2 Corinthians 5:17.

I am aware that there will be a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit; however, if that person truly submits those unnatural affections to the power of the Holy Spirit, they will be set free.

The Holy Spirit has the power to deliver us from any sin that seeks to destroy us, and to keep us in bondage. See Romans 6,7 & 8.

This is the struggle against sin that wars in our members that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 7:7-25.

The enemy will always try to deceive us with his lies, and has convinced many that they will always be this way. God never leaves us without hope, no matter what the sin is.

When we have been born again, we receive the incorruptible seed of God, and will not want to continue practicing sin. 

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to do an internal transformation on the inside of every believer. See Philippians 1:6.

He is the one who gives us the desire to do what pleases Him. See Philippians 2:13.

January 01 2025 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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