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Daniel 7:20

Commentary Critical

look...more stout than...fellows--namely, than that of the other horns.

Daniel 12:8

Commentary Critical

understood not--Daniel "understood" the main features of the vision as to Antiochus (Da 10:1, 14), but not as to the times. 1Pe 1:10-12 refers mainly to Daniel: for it is he who foretells "the...

Daniel 2:46

Commentary Critical

fell upon...face, and worshipped Daniel--worshipping God in the person of Daniel. Symbolical of the future prostration of the world power before Messiah and His kingdom (Php 2:10). As other...

Daniel 2:25

Commentary Critical

I have found a man--Like all courtiers, in announcing agreeable tidings, he ascribes the merit of the discovery to himself [Jerome]. So far from it being a discrepancy, that he says nothing of the...

Daniel 4:6

Commentary Critical

It may seem strange that Daniel was not first summoned. But it was ordered by God's providence that he should be reserved to the last, in order that all mere human means should be proved vain,...

Daniel 6:3

Commentary Critical

Daniel was preferred--probably because of his having so wonderfully foretold the fall of Babylon. Hence the very expression used by the queen mother on that occasion (Da 5:12) is here used,...

Daniel 6:16

Commentary Critical

Thy God...will deliver thee--The heathen believed in the interposition of the gods at times in favor of their worshippers. Darius recognized Daniel's God as a god, but not the only true God. He had...

Daniel 2:49

Commentary Critical

Daniel requested--Contrast this honorable remembrance of his humble friends in his elevation with the spirit of the children of the world in the chief butler's case (Ge 40:23; Ec 9:15, 16; Am 6:6)....

Daniel 1:12

Commentary Critical

pulse--The Hebrew expresses any vegetable grown from seeds, that is, vegetable food in general [Gesenius].

Daniel 5:21

Commentary Critical

heart was made like...beasts--literally, "he made his heart like the beasts," that is, he desired to dwell with them.

Daniel 9:17

Commentary Critical

cause thy face to shine--metaphor from the sun, which gladdens all that it beams upon (Nu 6:25; Mal 4:2).

Daniel 10:9

Commentary Critical

voice of his words--the sound of his words. was I in a deep sleep--"I sank into a deep sleep" [Lengkerke].

Daniel 1:11

Commentary Critical

Melzar--rather, the steward, or chief butler, entrusted by Ashpenaz with furnishing the daily portion to the youths [Gesenius]. The word is still in use in Persia.

Daniel 4:20

Commentary Critical

The tree is the king. The branches, the princes. The leaves, the soldiers. The fruits, the revenues. The shadow, the protection afforded to dependent states.

Daniel 10:6

Commentary Critical

beryl--literally, "Tarshish," in Spain. The beryl, identical with the chrysolite or topaz, was imported into the East from Tarshish, and therefore is called "the Tarshish stone."

Daniel 1:3

Commentary Critical

master of...eunuchs--called in Turkey the kislar aga. of the king's seed--compare the prophecy, 2Ki 20:17, 18.

Daniel 2:18

Commentary Critical

An illustration of the power of united prayer (Mt 18:19). The same instrumentality rescued Peter from his peril (Ac 12:5-12).

Daniel 3:3

Commentary Critical

stood before the image--in an attitude of devotion. Whatever the king approved of, they all approve of. There is no stability of principle in the ungodly.

Daniel 5:6

Commentary Critical

countenance--literally, "brightness," that is, his bright look. joints of his loins--"the vertebrae of his back" [Gesenius].

Daniel 8:1

Commentary Critical

vision--a higher kind of revelation than a dream. after the first--that in Da 7:1.

Daniel 8:6

Commentary Critical

standing before the river--Ulai. It was at the "river" Granicus that Alexander fought his first victorious battle against Darius, 334 B.C.

Daniel 6:17

Commentary Critical

stone...sealed--typical of Christ's entombment under a seal (Mt27:66). Divinely ordered, that the deliverance might be the more striking. his own signet, and...of his lords--The concurrence of the...

Daniel 1:6

Commentary Critical

children of Judah--the most noble tribe, being that to which the "king's seed" belonged (compare Da 1:3).

Daniel 1:13 - 15

Commentary Critical

Illustrating De 8:3, "Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord."

Daniel 2:29

Commentary Critical

God met with a revelation Nebuchadnezzar, who had been meditating on the future destiny of his vast empire.

Daniel 3:15

Commentary Critical

who is that God--so Sennacherib's taunt (2Ki 18:35), and Pharaoh's (Ex 5:2).

Daniel 4:8

Commentary Critical

Belteshazzar--called so from the god Bel or Belus (see on Da 1:7).

Daniel 6:26

Commentary Critical

Stronger than the decree (Da 3:29). That was negative; this, positive; not merely men must say "nothing amiss of," but must "fear before God."

Daniel 8:21

Commentary Critical

the first king--Philip was king of Macedon before Alexander, but the latter was the first who, as a generalissimo of Greece, subdued the Persian empire.

Daniel 9:18

Commentary Critical

present...supplications--literally, "cause to fall," &c. (compare Note, see on Jer 36:7).

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