Who was C. S. Lewis?


Clarify Share Report Asked 8 days ago Data Stuart Pennington

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Mini Shirley H Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!
Clive Staples Lewis came into his life on November 29, 1898. He was Irish, not English. He lost his mother at the tender age of nine. 

He attended Wynyard School in England. This school was known to beat its students. Understandably, he had many questions about the meaning of life, and suffering.

Mr. Lewis' ambition was to become a poet. He held two degrees at Oxford University. In addition he earned a second degree in English literature. He also taught English literature. 

Mr. Lewis considered himself an atheist until the age of thirty.

He authored the children's series, "The Chronicles of Narnia." "Mere Christianity," and "The Screwtape Letters" brought him acclaim as a writer of apologetics.

Further works included Renaissance literature, "Allegory of Love," and "A Preface to Paradise Lost."

C.S. Lewis books have remained in print for over 80 years. Mr Lewis was a shy person. Whatever money he earned by his writing he gave to charity.

When world war II came, he served his country.

An odd piece of information declares that C.S. and his brother were both born with only one joint in their thumbs. Consequently, they were not able to play ball games. However, C.S. was an athlete. He was a swimmer, hiker, runner, and participated in rowing.

3 days ago 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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