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1 Timothy 5:15

Commentary Critical

For--For in the case of some this result has already ensued; "Some (widows) are already turned aside after Satan," the seducer (not by falling away from the faith in general, but) by such errors as...

1 Timothy 4:16

Commentary Critical

The "mystery of iniquity" here alluded to, and already working (2Th 2:7), stands opposed to the "mystery of godliness" just mentioned (1Ti3:16). Take heed--Give heed (Ac 3:5). thyself,...

1 Timothy 5:17 - 25

Matthew Henry Concise

Care must be taken that ministers are maintained. And those who are laborious in this work are worthy of double honour and esteem. It is their just due, as much as the reward of the labourer. The...

1 Timothy 2:1

Commentary Critical

therefore--taking up again the general subject of the Epistle in continuation (2Ti 2:1). "What I have therefore to say to thee by way of a charge (1Ti 1:3, 18), is," &c. that, first of

Titus 1:5 - 9

Matthew Henry Concise

The character and qualification of pastors, here called elders and bishops, agree with what the apostle wrote to Timothy. Being such bishops and overseers of the flock, to be examples to them,...

2 Timothy 3:14 - 17

Matthew Henry Concise

Those who would learn the things of God, and be assured of them, must know the Holy Scriptures, for they are the Divine revelation. The age of children is the age to learn; and those who would...

1 Timothy 4:10

Commentary Critical

therefore--Greek, "with a view to this." The reason why "we both ('both' is omitted in the oldest manuscripts) labor (endure hardship) and suffer reproach (some oldest manuscripts read 'strive') is...

1 Timothy 5:11

Commentary Critical

younger--than sixty years old (1Ti 5:9). refuse--to take on the roll of presbyteress widows. wax wanton--literally, "over-strong" (2Ch 26:16). against Christ--rebelling against Christ, their proper...

2 Timothy 2:4

Commentary Critical

"No one while serving as a soldier." the affairs of (this) life--"the businesses of life" [Alford]; mercantile, or other than military. him who hath chosen him--the general who at the first...

2 Timothy 3:17

Commentary Critical

man of God--(See on 1Ti 6:11). perfect, throughly furnished--Greek, "thoroughly perfected," and so "perfect." The man of God is perfectly accoutred out of Scripture for his work, whether he be a...

2 Timothy 2:13

Commentary Critical

believe not--"If we are unbelievers (literally, 'unfaithful'), He remains faithful" (De 7:9, 10). The oldest manuscripts read, "For He cannot (it is an impossibility that He should) deny Himself."...

Colossians 1:3

Commentary Critical

Thanksgiving for the "faith, hope, and love" of the Colossians. So in the twin Epistle sent at the same time and by the same bearer, Tychicus (Eph 1:15, 16). We--I and Timothy. and the Father--So...

1 Timothy 1:18

Commentary Critical

He resumes the subject begun at 1Ti 1:3. The conclusion (apodosis) to the foregoing, "as I besought thee...charge" (1Ti 1:3), is here given, if not formally, at least substantially. This charge...

2 Timothy 1:6 - 14

Matthew Henry Concise

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love to him, which will carry us through opposition....

2 Timothy 3:7

Commentary Critical

Ever learning--some new point, for mere curiosity, to the disparagement of what they seemed to know before. the knowledge--Greek, "the perfect knowledge"; the only safeguard against further...

2 Timothy 3:5

Commentary Critical

form--outward semblance. godliness--piety. denying--rather as Greek, "having denied," that is, renounced. the power--the living, regenerating, sanctifying influence of it. turn away--implying that...

Philippians 4:21

Commentary Critical

Salute every saint--individually. greet--salute you. The brethren which are with me--Perhaps Jewish believers are meant (Ac28:21). I think Php 2:20 precludes our thinking of "closer friends,"...

2 Timothy 3:4

Commentary Critical

heady--precipitate in action and in passion. high-minded--literally, "puffed up" with pride, as with smoke blinding them. lovers of pleasure...God--Love of pleasure destroys the love and sense of...

1 Timothy 6:20 - 21

Commentary Critical

Recapitulatory conclusion: the main aim of the whole Epistle being here summarily stated. O Timothy--a personal appeal, marking at once his affection for Timothy, and his prescience of the coming...

1 Timothy 1:20

Commentary Critical

Hymenaeus--There is no difficulty in supposing him to be the Hymenaeus of 2Ti 2:17. Though "delivered over to Satan" (the lord of all outside the Church, Ac 26:18, and the executor of wrath, when...

Acts 28:31

Commentary Critical

with all confidence, no man forbidding him--enjoying, in the uninterrupted exercise of his ministry, all the liberty of a guarded man. Thus closes this most precious monument of the beginnings of...

2 Timothy 4:1 - 5

Matthew Henry Concise

People will turn away from the truth, they will grow weary of the plain gospel of Christ, they will be greedy of fables, and take pleasure in them. People do so when they will not endure that...

2 Timothy 4:12

Commentary Critical

And--Greek, "But." Thou art to come to me, but Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus to supply thy place (if thou so willest it) in presiding over the Church there in thy absence (compare Tit 3:12). It...

1 Timothy 1:5 - 11

Matthew Henry Concise

Whatever tends to weaken love to God, or love to the brethren, tends to defeat the end of the commandment. The design of the gospel is answered, when sinners, through repentance towards God and...

1 Timothy 1:18 - 20

Matthew Henry Concise

The ministry is a warfare against sin and Satan; carried on under the Lord Jesus, who is the Captain of our salvation. The good hopes others have had of us, should stir us up to duty. And let us...

1 Timothy 3:4

Commentary Critical

ruleth--Greek, "presiding over." his own house--children and servants, as contrasted with "the church" (house) of God (1Ti 3:5, 15) which he may be called on to preside over. having his children...

1 Timothy 5:14

Commentary Critical

younger women--rather, as ellipsis ought to be supplied, "the younger widows," namely younger widows in general, as distinguished from the older widows taken on the roll of presbyteresses (1Ti...

1 Timothy 6:16

Commentary Critical

Who only hath immortality--in His own essence, not merely at the will of another, as all other immortal beings [Justin Martyr, Quaest. ad Orthod., 61]. As He hath immortality, so will He give it to...

1 Timothy 4:2

Commentary Critical

Rather translate, "Through (literally, 'in'; the element in which the apostasy has place) the hypocrisy of lying speakers"; this expresses the means through which "some shall (be led to) depart...

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