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Results: 166

In the KJV, Matthew 18:22 says that Jesus told Peter to, "forgive seventy times seven." In the NRSV, it only states seventy-seven times in same verse. Is there a reason for the difference in amounts?

Matthew 18:22

March 17 2015 2 Answers

How are the Holy angels made Holy, and invited to the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in Heaven (Heb. 12:22-23), if God does not save angels (Heb. 2:16)?

Hebrews 2:16 - 12:23

5 Votes April 12 2017 2 Answers

Who are the "wicked" that Isaiah 48:22 speaks about?

Isaiah 48:22

The Bible talks about there being no peace for the wicked. Does that mean that no person living in sin will find peace?

January 24 2015 2 Answers

What does the Valley of Vision refer to? (Isaiah 22:1)

Isaiah 22:1

2 The burden against the Valley of Vision. What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops,

August 15 2019 1 Answer

What is the difference between 'faith in Christ' (Col 1:4), the 'faithfulness of Christ' (Gal 2:16), and 'faith of Christ' (Gal 3:22)?

Colossians 1:4

2 Votes July 29 2016 1 Answer

What does it mean in Proverbs 22:4 that that the reward of humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor?

Proverbs 22:4

Does true humility leads to riches?

2 Votes September 26 2016 1 Answer

What "days" that will be shortened is the Lord referring to in Matt 24:22?

Matthew 24:22

In this passage the Lord said that "Those days will be shortened for the sake of the elect," but what are the days was He talking about?

2 Votes November 17 2014 2 Answers

Will the prophecy in Daniel 11:35 be fulfilled before or after the Millennial Kingdom?

Daniel 11:35

Is this the same time spoken of at the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22:12-14 ?

3 Votes March 05 2016 4 Answers

What does it mean, "For the LORD has created a new thing on the earth: a woman encircles a man”?

Jeremiah 31:22

What is the new thing in Jer. 31:22, and explain “a woman encircles a man.“

April 26 2024 1 Answer

Who was Obed? (Ruth 4:17-22)

Ruth 4:13 - 17

17 The women living there said, “Naomi has a son!” And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. The Genealogy of David 18 This,...

December 19 2020 2 Answers

Who are the the he's, him's and other personal pronouns referring to in Colossians 1:15-22?

Colossians 1:15 - 22

These verses in Colossians 1:15-22 use the personal pronouns he, him, himself, etc. in these passages, and it is confusing for me to follow the personages. I...

1 Vote June 13 2017 4 Answers

Does Isaiah 40:22 state that the Earth is round and Job 26:7 state that the Earth is suspended over nothing?

Isaiah 40:22

Is it true that the books of Isaiah and Job, as far back as 2,700 BC, states that the earth is "rounded" (Isaiah 40:22) and "suspended over nothing" (Job...

2 Votes December 02 2013 3 Answers

Why not take the mother bird in addition to the eggs in the nest? (Deuteronomy 22:6–7)

Deuteronomy 22:6 - 7

Why not take the mother bird? (Deuteronomy 22:6–7)--6“If a bird’s nest happens to be before you along the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones...

June 21 2018 1 Answer

What are "the cherubim" of 2 Samuel 22:11?

2 Samuel 22:11

See also 2 Samuel 22:7 7 “In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 11 He...

November 22 2020 1 Answer

What kinds of fruit (besides those mentioned in Galatians 5) does the Holy Spirit produce in the life of the Christian, if any?

Galatians 5:19 - 22

I know Galatians 5:22-23 list the fruit of the Spirit, but are there other verses dealing with this subject?

April 26 2020 4 Answers

What was the secret to such a long life? (Genesis 5:3-32)

Genesis 5:22

21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. 22 After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years...

September 06 2020 1 Answer

Why was Issac refereed to as Abraham's 'only' son in genesis 22?

Genesis 16:12

Abraham had another son named Ishmael by Hagar, a slave girl. When Abraham proved to god that he was faithful to the end, after he was willing to sacrifice...

1 Vote December 04 2014 1 Answer

When Jesus said, "Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and render what belongs to God to God," was he also including tithing?

I've heard it said that Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17 and Luke 20:25 are also referring to the tithe. Is this true?

October 28 2017 1 Answer

Why did God tell Moses that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not know the name "Jehovah" in Exodus 6:3 when we can see that Abraham called a certain place place "Jehovah Jireh" in Genesis 22:14?

Genesis 22:14

2 Votes October 21 2014 2 Answers

What is the similarity between baptism and preservation of Noah and his family in the ark?

1 Peter 3:8 - 22

What does 1 Peter 3:18-22 mean? What is the similarity between what happened in Noah's time and baptism of the believer?

1 Vote December 14 2019 1 Answer

What was "the pit of decay"? (Psalm 55:23)

Psalms 55:1 - 23

Ps 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. 23 But you, God, will bring down the wicked into the...

March 13 2023 1 Comment 1 Answer

Will good training guarantee that children will not rebel?

Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 22:6 King James Version (KJV) 6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

April 27 2018 1 Answer

Can I love God and love the world? 1 John 2:15; Matthew 6:24; Romans 6:22

Romans 6:22

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

September 22 2019 1 Answer

Why did it matter where Joseph’s bones were taken / buried since his soul had gone to be with the Lord?

Hebrews 11:22

Joseph instructed the Israelites to take away his bones from Egypt (Hebrews 11:22) Exodus 13:19

December 10 2017 1 Answer

What can we learn from Jael in the book of Judges 4:21-22?

Judges 4:21-22 tells us this: “ But Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg, and took a hammer in her hand. Then she went softly to him and drove the peg into...

July 05 2019 3 Answers

Who or what does the "silent" guest represent in the parable of the party in Matthew 22:12?

Matthew 22:12

There is someone in the party that kept quiet though the host asked something. Why doesn't he/she said anything? What does that person signify?

February 14 2015 2 Answers

Is the church missing during the events from Rev 4 to Rev 20?

The church is not explicitly mentioned between Rev 3:22 and Rev 20:16. Does that mean the church is missing during these events, such as would happen if the...

2 Votes April 01 2018 3 Answers

Why does the writer of Proverbs pick on wives? (Proverbs 21:9)

Proverbs 21:9

9 Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. 19 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife....

1 Vote March 27 2019 4 Answers

Why, in Matthew 14:33, does it say that they said truly He is the Son of God and worshipped Him, but in Mark 6:52 it says they hardened their hearts?

Also in Matthew 14:22-33 it talks about Peter walking on the water also, but in Mark 6:45-52 it makes no mention of that instead speaks about how they did...

November 12 2014 1 Answer

What should a wife do when her husband is cruel?

1 Samuel 25:1 - 44

Although Biblical marriage calls couples to yield or submit to one another, most specifically wives to husbands (Ephesians 5:22), it’s a concept widely...

January 30 2021 2 Answers

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