In my understanding, there are a lot of discussions about false prophets; but is there prophecy that anticipates the kind of huge Islamic challenge we're...
Context: Psalm 119:113-117 113 I hate those with divided loyalties, but I love your instructions. 114 You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source...
27 Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.
Why does He work in ways never understandable to humans? Could this be the source of our grave misunderstanding of who God is and how to approach Him?
Is this Hebrew word only found in the Old Testament? Is it a Hebrew term only used in reference to God?
There are numerous believers who claim that they serve the Lord by playing musical instruments during church services and others convention meetings and some...
My husband believes that there are truly some people who have died, seen Heaven , spoken with God and then returned to earth. I tell him the bible says it is...
If sex between a husband and wife is not a sin, then why/how are we conceived in sin?
I think theologians differentiate between general and special revelation.
Who was they in Psalm 126:5?
What is the significance of Jesus giving Judas a morsel of bread to identify him as the one who would betray him? John 13:26. Why did He not just simply...
As we know that if there's word "It is written" in the New Testament that means it refers to verse in the Old Testament. But what is the exact verse of the...
Psalms 137:9 is saying that someone would be blessed if innocent children were to be violently slaughtered: "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones...