An Oracle Concerning Assyria

Isaiah 14

24 The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying,
"Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass,
And as I have purposed, so it shall y stand:
25 That I will break the z Assyrian in My land,
And on My mountains tread him underfoot.
Then a his yoke shall be removed from them,
And his burden removed from their shoulders.

26 This is the b purpose that is purposed against the whole earth,
And this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations.
27 For the LORD of hosts has c purposed,
And who will annul it?
His hand is stretched out,
And who will turn it back?"

  1. Cross References
    Isaiah 43:13
    Indeed before the day was, I am He; And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand; I work, and who will reverse it?
  2. Cross References
    Micah 5:5
    And this One shall be peace. When the Assyrian comes into our land, And when he treads in our palaces, Then we will raise against him Seven shepherds and eight princely men.
    Micah 5:6
    They shall waste with the sword the land of Assyria, And the land of Nimrod at its entrances; Thus He shall deliver us from the Assyrian, When he comes into our land And when he treads within our borders.
    Zephaniah 2:13
    And He will stretch out His hand against the north, Destroy Assyria, And make Nineveh a desolation, As dry as the wilderness.
  3. Cross References
    Isaiah 10:27
    It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
    Nahum 1:13
    For now I will break off his yoke from you, And burst your bonds apart.
  4. Cross References
    Isaiah 23:9
    The LORD of hosts has purposed it, To bring to dishonor the pride of all glory, To bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth.
    Zephaniah 3:6
    I have cut off nations, Their fortresses are devastated; I have made their streets desolate, With none passing by. Their cities are destroyed; There is no one, no inhabitant.
    Zephaniah 3:8
    Therefore wait for Me," says the LORD, "Until the day I rise up for plunder; My determination is to gather the nations To My assembly of kingdoms, To pour on them My indignation, All My fierce anger; All the earth shall be devoured With the fire of My jealousy.
  5. Cross References
    2 Chronicles 20:6
    And said: "O LORD God of our fathers, are You n...
    Job 9:12
    If He takes away, who can hinder Him? Who can s...
    Job 23:13
    But He is unique, and who can make Him change? ...
    Psalms 33:11
    The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The pla...
    Proverbs 19:21
    There are many plans in a man's heart, Neverthe...
    Proverbs 21:30
    There is no wisdom or understanding Or counsel ...
    Isaiah 43:13
    Indeed before the day was, I am He; And there i...
    Daniel 4:31
    While the word was still in the king's mouth, a...
    Daniel 4:35
    All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as...
New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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