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How can I recover from heartbreak / a broken heart?
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How can I recover from heartbreak / a broken heart?
At a concert by a Christian artist he stated that only people are Christian, ie followers of Christ. Music did not have a conversion experience. Christ did...
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Why do some people support homosexuality?
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What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
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Does God view unintentional sin differently?
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What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
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Why did Paul leave Trophimus, a 7-year companion, sick and not heal him?
Blashpheming the Holy Spirit today means the same thing it did when Jesus said it. So, lets look at the scene back then. What was really happening? Matthew...
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How should a Christian wedding be different from a non-Christian wedding?
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What laws were given to Israel in exact response to pagan practices?
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What does the Bible say about brokenness?
Acts 14.22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the...
All it means was God was inviting Israel to return to Him in obedience and through the sacrifice of praise with their lips. Bulls or calves are a symbol of...
It all depends on your motives. The scriptures given above in Exodus and others, point first off, to the Old Covenant or the Mosaic law. The command to not...
I suppose we need to somehow define 'sin'. Yes, God views unintentional and intentional sins differently. However, both types result in death (Romans 6:23),...
The Hebrew word translated "tabernacle" is ohel, which means "a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance): a covering, (dwelling) (place), home,...
Here is a clear and simple answer. No it is not mine, but my Pastor as he too, as have well been hit with this question. (And it's not even his answer, it...
I believe that scripture refers to the making of an image as an idol for worship. We have to consider the time that we live in. The items you mention are...
If a parent is telling the child to sin; does the child still obey their parent? Or, do they obey God's law and disobey their parent? Would that mean that ei...
Colossians 3:20
First off remember that Exodus 20:4 is talking to a people that worshiped 'graven images' as a habit and practice. If one is indeed "worshiping" these items...
It is not ok, because it does break that commandment. It's pretty clear on that one.
God created everything including spirits-angels and the fallen ones. God gave each one a spirit to know the creator. When believers ignore the advise and...
He left because he was in bodily form. He said " It is expedient that I go so the Father can send the Comforter (who is The Holy Spirit who can be everywhere...
Old Testament saints that dies does not go to heaven directly since Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And the blood of...
For there seems to be a lot of competition amongst many ministers of God. There is hardly any cohesion. By doing this, could we still be counted as serving G...
The purpose of Christ's death on the cross was to pay for our sins. Our sins had to be payed for in order for us to posses the righteousness of god. If we do...
Suicide is not acceptable, yes. But in regards to the recent suicide of Brittany Maynard, does not it sound cruel to insist that one should bear the pain of ...
I believe the question refers to our eternal security of salvation in Christ. And since "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for...
If you truly have the Holy Spirit, which is imparted to you at the moment you believe, then you will produce the fruits of the Spirit. Salvation produces...
In Exodus 13:2, God told Israel to "consecrate to me all the firstborn." That means, anything born first belonged to God, even moreso than the fact that...
The opinion of many others is unfortunately taken on by those who do not have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ. If they did have such a close...
The story of these two friends of the apostle Paul is told in Acts 18. Aquila, a Jewish Christian, and his wife, Priscilla, first met Paul in Corinth, became...
According to the official website of the Gathering of Christ Church, this religious movement claims to be "sending an epistle throughout the world to the 12...
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Is the United States a Christian nation?
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What does the term "Ichabod" mean in the Bible?
The Jews, both the lineage of the blood line and the religion, were established by God from the beginning in order to prepare mankind for its savior. After...
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Is perseverance of the saints biblical?
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Why is church attendance important?
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