Why do many worship and do Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday?
In one sense, believers ARE free to worship God any day of the week—and we SHOULD be worshipping him EVERY day of the week, right? However, our Messianic...
In one sense, believers ARE free to worship God any day of the week—and we SHOULD be worshipping him EVERY day of the week, right? However, our Messianic...
Worshiping God is a daily act of service and sacrifice, not a once-a-week event. (Rom 12:1). Scripture does teach that we may worship God (and should!) every...
Unconditional love. The Father Loves us unconditionally. There's no ending in His love.
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How should Christians view the Book of Mormon?
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What is the key to witnessing to Muslims?
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What is religious syncretism?
I address this subject under the heading of “The doctrine of partial resurrections” in my book “The Rapture and the Last Seven Years.” Let me attempt to...
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Why do some churches thrive while others die?
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What does the Bible say about a Christian serving in the military?
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What is 'perseverance of the saints' and is it biblical?
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What is the Feast of Tabernacles?
Does Romans 14:5 indicate we are not bound by law to worship on a certain day? [Moderator note: This topic is about when we can worship God, not specifica...
Romans 14:5
We all love to see beautiful things of this world and a Christian is not exempt from the beauty of God's creation. The beauty of the opposite sex has been...
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Why are there so many religions? Do all religions lead to God?
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What does the Bible say about managing your finances?
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Do human beings truly have a free will?
As a stained glass artist I have accepted many commissions that were a blessing to me. But locked in my memory is one commission in particular that has...
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How can I get better control over my imagination?
Dear Jas Zhang, being under 'heavy pressure' to accept the commission to draw the picture about yoga is exactly where you can make a stand for your Christian...
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What does it mean that God will pour out His Spirit on all people?
It seems that Romans 1:18-25 is at the heart of the answers for this question, and Rom. 1:19-20 is given to show that people who do not recognize God in...
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Who is Joel Osteen, and are his teachings Biblical?
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How did Jesus fulfill the meanings of the Jewish feasts?
Also in Rev 17:3
Revelation 13:1
I am an artist and I am being asked to paint a picture about yoga, which includes hindu symbols and meanings. I am unsure about if I should accept this commi...
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What does it mean that love never fails?
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Are Israel and the church the same thing? Does God still have a plan for Israel?
Beyond the obvious, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses at a time when Israel had just left Egypt. They no longer were governed by Egyptian law and...
That is, is merely looking at an attractive person, or acknowledged that they are attractive, the equivalent of lust?
Can our loved ones see us or hear us from heaven
This question still intrigues me as well. I have battled with the question over many years and have given myself philosophical responses, but am now content...
Job was righteous before God. But he did not know that The Lord is full of compassion and mercy (James 5:11--NIV) So through this process the LORD revealed...
Using the TaNaKH (OT), I could not find a verse that simply commands us to “Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy,” (with the original Hebrew words כָּבַד...
Jesus used words to communicate spiritual truths in ways we could understand. He often used words to create pictures or portraits to help us understand. One...
My Jewish Friends and those who would bound us Gentiles to the Law, Please note that Isaiah 53 was being fulfilled when both the Scribes and Pharisee REFUSED...
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How do I know the Bible is not just mythology?
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Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel?
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What does the Bible say about sex addiction?
2 Corinthians 11:23-29 " Are they servants of Christ? I speak in utter folly - I am too, and more than they are: I have done more work, I have been in prison...
The Bible does address the issue of rape. As expected, when the Bible mentions the crime of rape, it is depicted as a gross violation of God's design for the...
I believe, and so does the church I attend, that communion may be celebrated wherever and whenever Christians (Jesus is their personal savior and Lord) meet...
One of the best explanations I've heard for carbon dating is from ICR. (I hope I'm using the right terms.) All radioactive dating is based on one substance...
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What are some of the signs of genuine saving faith?
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