Is wearing jewelry a sin?
By believing and following Jesus Christ, I am living in the words of God wich are the Spirit who gives life (John 6: 63-65) and becoming children of God...
Churches are not the way to heaven but Jesus alone, as it is written: " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through...
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What should we learn from the life of Aaron?
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What should we learn from the life of Moses?
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What does the Bible say about mediums?
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What is good biblical exegesis?
All through the old testament the bible talks about good kings and bad kings. When we have godly rulers the people rejoice. When we have bad rulers there is...
David was a man after God's own heart as we read in Acts13:22 (read with 1Samuel13:14). And through David The Lord had warned Solomon to follow HIM like his...
Jesus said to cast all your cares on Him, meaning do what you can do about your problems and surrender the rest to Him. You can even ask others for advice...
I agree, the point is moderation. Neither men nor women should dress like "the world". I do agree with a dear, departed preacher who stated: "If the barn...
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Isn't sexual sin worse than others because it is a sin against your own body?
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Is the perpetual virginity of Mary biblical?
Will people die? Will children be born?
When you have Biblical grounds for divorce (Matthew 5:27-28) I believe you have good reason to stop sexual activities with the adulterous spouse until they...
The first verses used to describe the fall of Satan that I can refer to are in Isaiah 14:12-16. Here he is referring to the Angel of dawn whom biblical...
Question: "Can a person be baptized twice?" Only if the individual was not truly saved, born again, born from above PRIOR to the first baptism. "The like...
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Should Christians celebrate Passover?
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What is good biblical exegesis?
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What does it mean to have a spirit of fear?
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How can I explain to one who God is? What points can I use to make one come to the knowledge of the existance of God?
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Isn't sexual sin worse than others because it is a sin against your own body?
The Hebrew word used here (transliterated into English as "nazkirah") has a basic literal meaning of "remember", but can have associated meanings of...
What does extol mean in this context?
Song of Solomon 1:4
Although there is great interest and speculation about Solomon’s faith, or lack thereof, the book of Ecclesiastes makes a very compelling case in favor of...
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Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?
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Should Christian women wear make-up or jewelry?
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How should Christians stand up for their faith in such an anti-Christian world?
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Why is Solomon not mentioned in the great hall of faith in Hebrews?
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What did Paul mean when he said he had finished the race?
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What is the cause of all the anti-Semitism in the world?
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What does the Bible say about what foods we should eat (kosher)? Are there foods a Christian should avoid?
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What does the Bible say about feminism? Should a Christian be a feminist?
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What does Corban mean in Mark 7:11?
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. Paul said to think of other as better than you. Also to do nothing that goes against your own conscience. With...
The book of Zechariah is perhaps the most difficult to interpret of all the prophetic texts. The whole of Chapter 11 seems to refer to the time of Christ,...
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What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?
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Is being married to an unequally yoked partner grounds for divorce?
As I read this passage, the covenant being referred to here is not the covenant related to God making the descendants of Abraham through his son Isaac and...
As I read this passage, the covenant being referred to here is not the covenant related to God making the descendants of Abraham through his son Isaac and...
As I read this passage, the covenant being referred to here is not the covenant related to God making the descendants of Abraham through his son Isaac and...
In my opinion, married Christians cannot be unequally yoked in the sense that Paul is using the term in the passage being referred to in the question (2...
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Was the wine used at the Last Supper alcoholic?
To me, you can start with any day's news with regard to all the unspeakable crimes and atrocities that people commit against each other on a routine basis...
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Where was Joseph when Jesus was an adult?
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