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Should Christians read the Bible in the morning or in the evening?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 15 2014 Mini Anonymous

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Stringio Steve VanDyke Director, Community Servants Missions Training School, TN
The Bible doesn't give a specific time or even place for us to be in the Word. The main thing is that you ARE in the Word. 

As for me, it is more quiet and my mind is most active and alert in the early morning. I am also able to concentrate better than in the evening after a full day of ministry or work. It also gives me a good start to my day, and I can let the Word of Christ dwell richly within me (Colossians 3:16) as I go about my day of glorifying God.

On the other hand, reading or studying the Word in the evening allows you to rest on the Word as you go to sleep. There are advantages to both and it is up to the individual. 

God is most concerned with us actually reading and being in the Word so that we can know His instructions on being a faithful and obedient servant for Him. It is good to build up good consistent practices for your reading and study. Not for it to be habitual and ritualistic like checking off a box on your to-do list, but consistently being in God's Word and actually looking forward to the discovery of spiritual food for your soul is the the key.

September 16 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Image41 Ezekiel Kimosop
The Bible nowhere teaches us what time of the day we should study scripture. This is a matter that rests with each believer within their context. However, since the word is central to our lives as a guide to effective living (Psalm 119:105), it is sensible to study it when our minds are fresh and we are better able to concentrate on the word. 

Whatever time works for you, whether morning or evening is fine. The key issue is to be faithful in staying close to the word and doing it inductively so that the spiritual benefits are assimilated into our lives for practical living (James 2:22-25). 

There are Bible teachers who create a theology on studying scripture or even on prayer where none is taught in scripture. I have heard some argue that the best time to pray is 3am in the morning because they believe (falsely) that Satan is more active during certain hours of the night and less active in the day. Nothing can be further from the truth!

Scripture nowhere confirms this claim. So whether we study or pray, we need consistent methods that work for us so that we do not neglect these important disciplines in our pilgrimage journey.

September 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Thomas K M A retired Defence Scientist from Indian Defence R&D Orgn.
There is no fixed time to read the Bible. Reading the bible alone is not sufficient. We should study the Bible and meditate on the Word of God to spiritually relish the relationship between God and man. When you study the Bible again and again you will get more revelation from the Word of God. The Bible is our salvation history. We must therefore, devote our time to study this beautiful book which is directed to the relationship of Man and God.

September 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Vin Smith Concert Pianist. Piano Tuner. Talk Show Host. Novelist.
I try to read the Bible both in the morning (usually direct from this website in my office) and in the evening (always in my comfortable bed, using my leather bound ESV Ryrie Study Bible). The reason for that is a blend of advantages. 

In the morning, I use the Matthew Henry Concise feature you can purchase right here from I highly recommend. It helps to give background, context and definition to every verse in the Bible. In the evening, I use the study helps from Charles Ryrie, the editor of the Ryrie Study Bible, from Moody Publishers.

The wonderful--the beautiful thing--about studying the Bible is that you can study it in ANY language! Whatever tongue you are most comfortable with. With ANY translation. I always use the ESV (English Standard Version) because I have grown quite fond of it. I use that translation both here on and my main printed Bible, as I mentioned earlier. Years ago, I used a parallel Bible, but I have moved away from that.

One of the great joys of studying the Bible is to find your own "methodology." Currently, I am reading the Bible in one year--my fifth go round with that. Previously, as I mentioned, I used a parallel Bible. Now I am sticking strictly to the ESV translation. In the mornings, I read the Old Testament (currently) from this website. In the evenings, I am reading the New Testament, while relaxing in bed.

Now, when researching various Biblical ideas, I will use up to a dozen or so translations, both from this site and from other Internet sources. When you break down the project of Bible study--which is my foremost passion--it is so fun to experiment using various techniques. I recently purchased a spoken DVD--text and voice--in the ESV translation. That I will incorporate into my studies next year. When I do that, I will "watch" the Bible, vis-a-vis the video format from the comfort of my home theater.

The basic idea is that Bible study is a joy--not an onerous task one must somehow perform.

September 19 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Andy  3 photo Andy Mangus I am a Christian since October 1979 & devoted truth seeker.
Hummm... at awakening, at bedtime, at lunch, at break-time, at dinner, at some boring meeting if you have little distraction; on a long car/bus/plane ride, etc. Basically, just about any time that you sense God's Holy Spirit 'giving you that inspirational nudge to absorb, take in, listen to and "mentally digest" His divine written Word of Eternal Truth!' 

Read and meditate on His Word!....Daily! --Andy--

April 08 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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