The Lord Answers Job

Job 38

1 And Jehovah answereth Job out of the whirlwind, and saith: --

2 Who [is] this -- darkening counsel, By words without knowledge? 3 Gird, I pray thee, as a man, thy loins, And I ask thee, and cause thou Me to know.

4 Where wast thou when I founded earth? Declare, if thou hast known understanding. 5 Who placed its measures -- if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched out upon it a line? 6 On what have its sockets been sunk? Or who hath cast its corner-stone? 7 In the singing together of stars of morning, And all sons of God shout for joy,

8 And He shutteth up with doors the sea, In its coming forth, from the womb it goeth out. 9 In My making a cloud its clothing, And thick darkness its swaddling band, 10 And I measure over it My statute, And place bar and doors, 11 And say, `Hitherto come thou, and add not, And a command is placed On the pride of thy billows.'

12 Hast thou commanded morning since thy days? Causest thou the dawn to know its place? 13 To take hold on the skirts of the earth, And the wicked are shaken out of it, 14 It turneth itself as clay of a seal And they station themselves as clothed. 15 And withheld from the wicked is their light, And the arm lifted up is broken.

16 Hast thou come in to springs of the sea? And in searching the deep Hast thou walked up and down? 17 Revealed to thee were the gates of death? And the gates of death-shade dost thou see? 18 Thou hast understanding, Even unto the broad places of earth! Declare -- if thou hast known it all.

19 Where [is] this -- the way light dwelleth? And darkness, where [is] this -- its place? 20 That thou dost take it unto its boundary, And that thou dost understand The paths of its house. 21 Thou hast known -- for then thou art born And the number of thy days [are] many!

22 Hast thou come in unto the treasure of snow? Yea, the treasures of hail dost thou see? 23 That I have kept back for a time of distress, For a day of conflict and battle. 24 Where [is] this, the way light is apportioned? It scattereth an east wind over the earth.

25 Who hath divided for the flood a conduit? And a way for the lightning of the voices? 26 To cause [it] to rain on a land -- no man, A wilderness -- no man in it. 27 To satisfy a desolate and waste place, And to cause to shoot up The produce of the tender grass?

28 Hath the rain a father? Or who hath begotten the drops of dew? 29 From whose belly came forth the ice? And the hoar-frost of the heavens, Who hath begotten it? 30 As a stone waters are hidden, And the face of the deep is captured.

31 Dost thou bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost thou open? 32 Dost thou bring out Mazzaroth in its season? And Aysh for her sons dost thou comfort? 33 Hast thou known the statutes of heaven? Or dost thou appoint Its dominion in the earth?

34 Dost thou lift up to the cloud thy voice, And abundance of water doth cover thee? 35 Dost thou send out lightnings, and they go And say unto thee, `Behold us?' 36 Who hath put in the inward parts wisdom? Or who hath given To the covered part understanding? 37 Who doth number the clouds by wisdom? And the bottles of the heavens, Who doth cause to lie down, 38 In the hardening of dust into hardness, And clods cleave together?

39 Dost thou hunt for a lion prey? And the desire of young lions fulfil? 40 When they bow down in dens -- Abide in a thicket for a covert? 41 Who doth prepare for a raven his provision, When his young ones cry unto God? They wander without food.

Job 39

1 Hast thou known the time of The bearing of the wild goats of the rock? The bringing forth of hinds thou dost mark! 2 Thou dost number the months they fulfil? And thou hast known the time of their bringing forth! 3 They bow down, Their young ones they bring forth safely, Their pangs they cast forth. 4 Safe are their young ones, They grow up in the field, they have gone out, And have not returned to them.

5 Who hath sent forth the wild ass free? Yea, the bands of the wild ass who opened? 6 Whose house I have made the wilderness, And his dwellings the barren land, 7 He doth laugh at the multitude of a city, The cries of an exactor he heareth not. 8 The range of mountains [is] his pasture, And after every green thing he seeketh.

9 Is a Reem willing to serve thee? Doth he lodge by thy crib? 10 Dost thou bind a Reem in a furrow [with] his thick band? Doth he harrow valleys after thee? 11 Dost thou trust in him because great [is] his power? And dost thou leave unto him thy labour? 12 Dost thou trust in him That he doth bring back thy seed? And [to] thy threshing-floor doth gather [it]?

13 The wing of the rattling ones exulteth, Whether the pinion of the ostrich or hawk. 14 For she leaveth on the earth her eggs, And on the dust she doth warm them, 15 And she forgetteth that a foot may press it, And a beast of the field tread it down. 16 Her young ones it hath hardened without her, In vain [is] her labour without fear. 17 For God hath caused her to forget wisdom, And He hath not given a portion To her in understanding: 18 At the time on high she lifteth herself up, She laugheth at the horse and at his rider.

19 Dost thou give to the horse might? Dost thou clothe his neck [with] a mane? 20 Dost thou cause him to rush as a locust? The majesty of his snorting [is] terrible. 21 They dig in a valley, and he rejoiceth in power, He goeth forth to meet the armour. 22 He laugheth at fear, and is not affrighted, And he turneth not back from the face of the sword. 23 Against him rattle doth quiver, The flame of a spear, and a halbert. 24 With trembling and rage he swalloweth the ground, And remaineth not stedfast Because of the sound of a trumpet. 25 Among the trumpets he saith, Aha, And from afar he doth smell battle, Roaring of princes and shouting.

26 By thine understanding flieth a hawk? Spreadeth he his wings to the south? 27 At thy command goeth an eagle up high? Or lifteth he up his nest? 28 A rock he doth inhabit, Yea, he lodgeth on the tooth of a rock, and fortress. 29 From thence he hath sought food, To a far off place his eyes look attentively, 30 And his brood gulph up blood, And where the pierced [are] -- there [is] he!

Job 40

1 And Jehovah doth answer Job, and saith: --

2 Is the striver with the Mighty instructed? The reprover of God, let him answer it.

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