Joseph's Dreams

Genesis 37

1 And Jacob dwelleth in the land of his father's sojournings -- in the land of Canaan.

2 These [are] births of Jacob: Joseph, a son of seventeen years, hath been enjoying himself with his brethren among the flock, (and he [is] a youth,) with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives, and Joseph bringeth in an account of their evil unto their father. 3 And Israel hath loved Joseph more than any of his sons, for he [is] a son of his old age, and hath made for him a long coat; 4 and his brethren see that their father hath loved him more than any of his brethren, and they hate him, and have not been able to speak [to] him peaceably.

5 And Joseph dreameth a dream, and declareth to his brethren, and they add still more to hate him. 6 And he saith unto them, `Hear ye, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: 7 that, lo, we are binding bundles in the midst of the field, and lo, my bundle hath arisen, and hath also stood up, and lo, your bundles are round about, and bow themselves to my bundle.' 8 And his brethren say to him, `Dost thou certainly reign over us? dost thou certainly rule over us?' and they add still more to hate him, for his dreams, and for his words.

9 And he dreameth yet another dream, and recounteth it to his brethren, and saith, `Lo, I have dreamed a dream again, and lo, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, are bowing themselves to me.' 10 And he recounteth unto his father, and unto his brethren; and his father pusheth against him, and saith to him, `What [is] this dream which thou hast dreamt? do we certainly come -- I, and thy mother, and thy brethren -- to bow ourselves to thee, to the earth?' 11 and his brethren are zealous against him, and his father hath watched the matter.

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