David Mourns Abner

2 Samuel 3

31 And David saith unto Joab, and unto all the people who [are] with him, `Rend your garments, and gird on sackcloth, and mourn before Abner;' and king David is going after the bier. 32 And they bury Abner in Hebron, and the king lifteth up his voice, and weepeth at the grave of Abner, and all the people weep;

33 and the king lamenteth for Abner, and saith: -- `As the death of a fool doth Abner die?

34 Thy hands not bound, And thy feet to fetters not brought nigh! As one falling before sons of evil -- Thou hast fallen!' and all the people add to weep over him. 35 And all the people come to cause David to eat bread while yet day, and David sweareth, saying, `Thus doth God to me, and thus He doth add, for -- before the going in of the sun, I taste no bread or any other thing.' 36 And all the people have discerned [it], and it is good in their eyes, as all that the king hath done is good in the eyes of all the people; 37 and all the people know, even all Israel, in that day, that it hath not been from the king -- to put to death Abner son of Ner. 38 And the king saith unto his servants, `Do ye not know that a prince and a great one hath fallen this day in Israel? 39 and I to-day [am] tender, and an anointed king: and these men, sons of Zeruiah, [are] too hard for me; Jehovah doth recompense to the doer of the evil according to his evil.'

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