Jacob Wrestles with God

Genesis 32

22 And he riseth in that night, and taketh his two wives, and his two maid-servants, and his eleven children, and passeth over the passage of Jabbok; 23 and he taketh them, and causeth them to pass over the brook, and he causeth that which he hath to pass over. 24 And Jacob is left alone, and one wrestleth with him till the ascending of the dawn; 25 and he seeth that he is not able for him, and he cometh against the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh is disjointed in his wrestling with him; 26 and he saith, `Send me away, for the dawn hath ascended:' and he saith, `I send thee not away, except thou hast blessed me.' 27 And he saith unto him, `What [is] thy name?' and he saith, `Jacob.' 28 And he saith, `Thy name is no more called Jacob, but Israel; for thou hast been a prince with God and with men, and dost prevail.' 29 And Jacob asketh, and saith, `Declare, I pray thee, thy name;' and he saith, `Why [is] this, thou askest for My name?' and He blesseth him there. 30 And Jacob calleth the name of the place Peniel: for `I have seen God face unto face, and my life is delivered;' 31 and the sun riseth on him when he hath passed over Penuel, and he is halting on his thigh; 32 therefore the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew which shrank, which [is] on the hollow of the thigh, unto this day, because He came against the hollow of Jacob's thigh, against the sinew which shrank.

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