Paul Appeals to Caesar

Acts 25

1 Festus, therefore, having come into the province, after three days went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea, 2 and the chief priest and the principal men of the Jews made manifest to him [the things] against Paul, and were calling on him, 3 asking favour against him, that he may send for him to Jerusalem, making an ambush to put him to death in the way. 4 Then, indeed, Festus answered that Paul is kept in Caesarea, and himself is about speedily to go on thither, 5 `Therefore those able among you -- saith he -- having come down together, if there be anything in this man -- let them accuse him;'

6 and having tarried among them more than ten days, having gone down to Caesarea, on the morrow having sat upon the tribunal, he commanded Paul to be brought; 7 and he having come, there stood round about the Jews who have come down from Jerusalem -- many and weighty charges they are bringing against Paul, which they were not able to prove, 8 he making defence -- `Neither in regard to the law of the Jews, nor in regard to the temple, nor in regard to Caesar -- did I commit any sin.' 9 And Festus willing to lay on the Jews a favour, answering Paul, said, `Art thou willing, to Jerusalem having gone up, there concerning these things to be judged before me?' 10 and Paul said, `At the tribunal of Caesar I am standing, where it behoveth me to be judged; to Jews I did no unrighteousness, as thou dost also very well know; 11 for if indeed I am unrighteous, and anything worthy of death have done, I deprecate not to die; and if there is none of the things of which these accuse me, no one is able to make a favour of me to them; to Caesar I appeal!' 12 then Festus, having communed with the council, answered, `To Caesar thou hast appealed; to Caesar thou shalt go.'

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