The Words of Eternal Life

John 6

60 many, therefore, of his disciples having heard, said, `This word is hard; who is able to hear it?' 61 And Jesus having known in himself that his disciples are murmuring about this, said to them, `Doth this stumble you? 62 if then ye may behold the Son of Man going up where he was before? 63 the spirit it is that is giving life; the flesh doth not profit anything; the sayings that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life; 64 but there are certain of you who do not believe;' for Jesus had known from the beginning who they are who are not believing, and who is he who will deliver him up, 65 and he said, `Because of this I have said to you -- No one is able to come unto me, if it may not have been given him from my Father.'

66 From this [time] many of his disciples went away backward, and were no more walking with him, 67 Jesus, therefore, said to the twelve, `Do ye also wish to go away?' 68 Simon Peter, therefore, answered him, `Sir, unto whom shall we go? thou hast sayings of life age-during; 69 and we have believed, and we have known, that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' 70 Jesus answered them, `Did not I choose you -- the twelve? and of you -- one is a devil. 71 And he spake of Judas, Simon's [son], Iscariot, for he was about to deliver him up, being one of the twelve.

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