Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives

Luke 22

39 And having gone forth, he went on, according to custom, to the mount of the Olives, and his disciples also followed him, 40 and having come to the place, he said to them, `Pray ye not to enter into temptation.' 41 And he was withdrawn from them, as it were a stone's cast, and having fallen on the knees he was praying, 42 saying, `Father, if Thou be counselling to make this cup pass from me --; but, not my will, but Thine be done.' -- 43 And there appeared to him a messenger from heaven strengthening him; 44 and having been in agony, he was more earnestly praying, and his sweat became, as it were, great drops of blood falling upon the ground. 45 And having risen up from the prayer, having come unto the disciples, he found them sleeping from the sorrow, 46 and he said to them, `Why do ye sleep? having risen, pray that ye may not enter into temptation.'

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