Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Demon

Luke 4

31 And he came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and was teaching them on the sabbaths, 32 and they were astonished at his teaching, because his word was with authority. 33 And in the synagogue was a man, having a spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried out with a great voice, 34 saying, `Away, what -- to us and to thee, Jesus, O Nazarene? thou didst come to destroy us; I have known thee who thou art -- the Holy One of God.' 35 And Jesus did rebuke him, saying, `Be silenced, and come forth out of him;' and the demon having cast him into the midst, came forth from him, having hurt him nought; 36 and amazement came upon all, and they were speaking together, with one another, saying, `What [is] this word, that with authority and power he doth command the unclean spirits, and they come forth?' 37 and there was going forth a fame concerning him to every place of the region round about.

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