The Great Commission

Mark 16

14 Afterwards, as they are reclining (at meat), he was manifested to the eleven, and did reproach their unbelief and stiffness of heart, because they believed not those having seen him being raised; 15 and he said to them, `Having gone to all the world, proclaim the good news to all the creation; 16 he who hath believed, and hath been baptized, shall be saved; and he who hath not believed, shall be condemned. 17 `And signs shall accompany those believing these things; in my name demons they shall cast out; with new tongues they shall speak; 18 serpents they shall take up; and if any deadly thing they may drink, it shall not hurt them; on the ailing they shall lay hands, and they shall be well.'

19 The Lord, then, indeed, after speaking to them, was received up to the heaven, and sat on the right hand of God; 20 and they, having gone forth, did preach everywhere, the Lord working with [them], and confirming the word, through the signs following. Amen.

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