The Lord's Mercy on Israel

Hosea 2

14 Therefore, lo, I am enticing her, And have caused her to go to the wilderness, And I have spoken unto her heart, 15 And given to her her vineyards from thence, And the valley of Achor for an opening of hope, And she hath responded there as in the days of her youth, And as in the day of her coming up out of the land of Egypt.

16 And it hath come to pass, in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah, Thou dost call Me -- My husband, And dost not call Me any more -- My lord. 17 And I have turned aside the names of the lords from her mouth, And they are not remembered any more by their name. 18 And I have made to them a covenant in that day, with the beast of the field, And with the fowl of the heavens, And the creeping thing of the ground, And bow, and sword, and war I break from off the land, And have caused them to lie down confidently. 19 And I have betrothed thee to Me to the age, And betrothed thee to Me in righteousness, And in judgment, and kindness, and mercies, 20 And betrothed thee to Me in faithfulness, And thou hast known Jehovah.

21 And it hath come to pass in that day, I answer -- an affirmation of Jehovah, I answer the heavens, and they answer the earth. 22 And the earth doth answer the corn, And the new wine, and the oil, And they answer Jezreel. 23 And I have sowed her to Me in the land, And I have pitied Lo-Ruhamah, And I have said to Lo-Ammi, My people thou [art], and it saith, My God!'

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