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Robert Rein

Professional driver
Hello my name is Robert 
I was raised as a catholic,even going to catholic school until the sixth grade. I remember not really being happy with this school. And asked my parents to let me go to public school. I wasn't a very popular person and ended up hanging with the wrong crowd. Doing drugs,drinking,all the wrong stuff. I had always been a worker even while still doing drugs and drinking. I never got into any real major trouble with the law enforcement. I guess I was just lucky but I can say that I always felt I had give to my so called friends to be liked. As I got older I continued doing the same things. Nothing in my life really changed. I would feel like I was a good person but my friends weren't really my friends. Never recognizeing me I felt alone and somewhat used. This whole time I've held a job in 2007 i was let go after failing a drug test  marijuana was found in my system. I had to regroup.  None of my friends really help me at all after I lost my job.  I was able to collect unemployment and since I was at my previous job for almost 15 years I was able to get state assistance with helping me find a new job. So I want to truck driving school all the time  I was still using drugs. After I graduated from trucking school I got the job going over the road. I had to meet up with a trainer.  Things were good at first but if we get to know each other I realized that this trainer was also a partier. So we would go down the road we would smoke marijuana and after we stop for the night we would drink while relaxing in the truck.  I didn't want to smoke while driving that big truck even though we never hurt anybody I didn't like it I didn't like being away from my family for so long. One one-day  I told him I don't think I was fit for this so I asked him to take me home. He drop me off at the truckstop in my company I was working training for set me up with a rental car to get me back home.  From there I work local driving dump trucks in and finally I got a job downtown is a route driver they paid about $14 an hour. In the meantime my house was in the steps of  foreclosure. I had to find  another place to live that was cheap. I found the place about a mile from why had to move where I was living. But this job I got this route job was not paying enough money I was running out of money every two weeks I was living off  change from my pocket. This whole time even with this company I was still doing drugs. I started looking for another job that pays better been with this company for almost well for two years I finally found another job through a temp  Service. What started me out at about $20 an hour this was huge for me so I want to work for this other company and I've been there since when I first started this new company I was still doing drugs. Then I realized that they were giving random drug test  all the time you never knew when you would be called in to give a sample. They had Sirius radio in our trucks I started listening to the religion station and I started listening to Joel O'Sten.  After listening to  him preach for a while and I mean weeks I started to feel something in my heart I knew that I needed to be saved so finally I asked Jesus to come into my life and now I reading my Bible every day I'm at tending church.  Having fellowships outside of church and I'm coming closer and closer to the Lord our God. I am so thankful that through my life I have always had an angel or I should say  i've always had God looking out for me. Praise God thank you Jesus you are my savior you died for my sins and I thank you so Whole heartedly my loving Lord thank you

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