Phil Brown
I am married with three children.
I am a descendant of Scotch-Irish and German Immigrants with a thimble full of Cherokee blood. I reside in Southwest Arkansas just 20 miles from Louisiana and 50 miles from Texas. I was raised and confirmed in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod as a youngster. However, when I got into College, I was truly converted and began a journey down the narrow path. I am now a member of Wyatt Baptist Church in El Dorado, AR, which is affiliated with the Baptist Missionary Association of America. I believe in Salvation by grace through faith, which results in repentance and holiness through the Biblical doctrine of Sanctification. I affirm a "believers baptism" and rely primarily on Scripture for my guide. The Apostles and Nicene Creeds are foundational statements of faith that I believe in, and as a rule, I lean heavily on the Apostolic and Ante-Nicene Fathers for further guidance outside of the Inspired writ. I also have gleaned a lot from the Vaudois, Waldenses, Puritans, Anabaptists, and early Methodists. I enjoy learning, reading, and sharing what I have learned with others.