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William Cook

Servant of the Lord
I accepted the Lord Jesus into my heart at the age of 40 after almost 30 years of denying Him and claiming the status of an atheist. Still during those years I would place all blame of bad things occurring in my life on God and looking back on it now I see that I was never an atheist at heart but rebelling against Him. I was taught throughout school about evolution and God was never discussed at school and neither was I raised in a church environment by my parents. I had learned from my Grandmothers as a young child to love God and Jesus and participated in church from time to time until my high school years. As I reached the age of 40 I felt incomplete and lacking something so I turned to the Bible and after a time I repented from having separated from God and was comforted as I remembered all the times that the Lord had been watching over me, even in my state of rebellion. 
I was baptized in 2012 and have attended Heritage Baptist Church here in Heflin, Alabama ever since. My spiritual life began though in 2010 when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, Lord and King. I have been blessed by the Lord my entire life but until then I had never given Him the credit or praise which was due Him and so I do all in my power and ability to study His word and follow the example of Jesus, being a doer of the word and not a hearer only. I give all glory to God and thank Him for loving me so even during those years that I tried so hard to distance myself from Him.
I am now part of a loving church congregation and enjoy fellowship with them and serving in any way I can. I teach a Bible Study class as well as a Sunday School class for 1st through 6th grade, I am Minister of our churches Men's Brotherhood Outreach as well as its treasurer. I and my wife are Ministers over our churches food pantry as well as being the caretakers of the grounds and building, all things that we both love to do.
I love the Lord and owe all to Him and I am His completely. Here I am Lord, send me.  God Bless.

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