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Seth Freeman

After studying Philosophy and Religion I made a vocation change after getting married.  I am now a CFP®, husband to a beautiful wife, father to two wonderful boys, and a foster parent. 

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What does the Bible say about cynicism?

I think it all depends on the context. And as for what "category" - all sin,...

Comment 1 Vote Asked April 28 2014


Who is Nahash?

I used my dear friend google (he's your friend to) to help me come up with...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked April 28 2014


Does God know the future?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, you don't even need Scripture to know that God...

Comment 6 More Answers 7 Votes Asked April 21 2014


Is divorce allowed in the Bible?

Divorce is never healthy. Divorce destroys families and frankly ruins lives....

2 Comments 10 More Answers 2 Votes Asked April 17 2014


Why were the walls of Jericho shut up tight?

Because they were at war. We wouldn't expect their gates to be wide open...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked April 14 2014


What should a Christian wife do when her husband verbally abuses her and calls her names and uses vulgar words?

The biggest determining factor is going to be whether or not the husband is a...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked April 14 2014


If an angel appears as a human, do they have to acknowledge they are angels, if directly asked, "Are you an angel"?

Probably not if God didn't want them to reveal themselves.

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked April 14 2014


Who anointed David to be King?

Samuel did. See I Samuel 16.

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked March 28 2014


Does character evolve as we live or are we born with a fully developed and unchanging character?

We are all born with a unique personality. If you have children, all you have...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked March 18 2014


Why did Jesus ask John to take care of Mary at his crucifixion instead of his siblings?

Personally, I try to avoid speculation and assumptions. Some people (even on...

9 Comments 7 More Answers 13 Votes Asked March 18 2014


How should we handle an arrogant pastor in the church?

Nobody is perfect. Pastors are just as human as anyone else. I would...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked March 18 2014


Can a Christian man marry a older Christian woman?

The Bible does not provide guidelines for marriage to Christians outside of...

Comment 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked March 18 2014


Why (and how) were the private conversations and inner thinking in the Bible documented in the first person?

The first thing to remember is that the culture back then operated completely...

2 Comments 5 More Answers 9 Votes Asked March 18 2014


Do we tithe 10% of our income generated from investments as well?

II Corinthians 9:6,7 - Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap...

6 Comments 7 More Answers 12 Votes Asked February 27 2014