How should born-again believers view beauty pageants?

 Do beauty pageants glorify our Lord?

Clarify Share Report Asked October 13 2014 Img 20140615 114631 Berlin Sumaoang Supporter

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84924d6f 9be5 4261 9e07 ab5f6a8c5842 Lena Wms

This will not be the most popular post to this question but it is my firm belief! When Adam male and female sinned in the garden they realized they were naked. When God confronted them, God inquired, "who told you of your nakedness?" Adam male passed the blame to her, she passed the blame to the serpent. As God drove them from the garden, He made them coverings for their nakedness. Animal skins, shedding the blood and making an atonement for their sin. A covering, provided by God that they were to wear.

What does this have to do with a beauty pageant? Well, How many clothes will each participant wear? There are several competitions; swimwear, evening gown, business or another wet suit.. All designed to promote the NAKED body. God hates this nakedness because it reminds God of our sin. It is even called the Body of Sin..

If God kicked out our forefathers, how much more now? Except Paul reminded us, our bodies are temples of the Lord's.. I Cor 6:19.

How did the LORD protect the tabernacle or temple? It was covered in ugly badger skin. Anyone traveling by the Children of Israel would have never known the hundreds of POUNDS of Gold that was hidden under the tent of badger. It was so ugly! If this is how God protects the furniture of His temple, how much more the hidden beauty inside of His PEOPLE!!

Freewill was given to all of us... It is your choice... as for me and my house...I will serve the LORD!!! No to the pageants

Be Blessed,

October 14 2014 Report

Mini Steve Smith

One story in the Old Testament sheds some light on this topic. When Abraham and Sarah went to Egypt they ied about heir being married. He claimed she was his sister on the pretext that the Pharoah might kill him to have her for his own. Sarah's beauty was used to attract the Pharoah and soon he "married" her only to find out that she was actually wife of Abraham.

Subsequently, when Pharoah found out he was mortified and gave Abraham a lot of property and asked him to leave him in peace. Thus Sahah's beauty was successfully used to enrich one of the fathers of Judeo Christian religion.

Having women use their looks and compete on the basis of beauty is nothing new and fully in line with God's rules.

October 14 2014 Report

Mini Penny Doty

As Christians we are not to judge, but should pray for what we need to be praying for lost souls. This is a much better thing to do. Those are your brothers and sisters, so let's pray for them and hope they find GOD like we did. GOD bless.

October 17 2014 Report

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