Is observing the Ten Commandments more important than observing commands in other parts of the Bible?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 28 2014 Mini Gary Creel

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Robert Close

The Old Covenant is the Word of God but it is now obsolete and has no glory at all in comparison to a better covenant, the New covenant! The Law was given to Israel NOT to Gentiles! We Gentiles had no hope and no covenant! (Ephesians 2) We look back at the Old Testament through New Covenant eyes! Christ was the end of the Law for for those who are born of the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! We have received Life from Christ and we walk in the Spirit and there is no spiritual Law or rules that we need to observe! Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law and He set us free! Whoever the Son sets free is free indeed! The law is not made for Christians! (1Timothy 1:8-10) The Ten Commandments are a ministry of condemnation and death ..... 2 Corinthians 3:7 ...."But if the ministry of death, IN LETTERS ENGRAVED ON STONES, (The Ten Commandments) came with glory so that the SONS OF ISRAEL could not look ....." (v9) "For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, MUCH MORE DOES THE MINISTRY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ABOUND IN GLORY! No, Christians are not to observe The Ten Commandments or any Old Covenant Law! We who walk in the Spirit are not under the Law, and to observe the Law, we NULLIFY GRACE (God's ability in us, which motivates us to do the works that He prepared for us to do before the foundation of world!) Jesus said AFTER THE CROSS..... "A new commandment I give to you. Love one another as I have loved you." Also, Galatians 3:1-3. No observation at all!
R.David Close ツ

September 29 2014 Report

Mini Robert Close

Jesus was born of a woman, born under the law, so that He might redeem those under the law!

Jesus came for His own (Israel) and they received Him not!

Jesus had two ministries while on earth: 1. To discourage anyone who believed that salvation would be received under the law & 2. He told Israel of a new covenant that was to come. Jesus did not teach the New Covenant!

The New Covenant (Testament) did not come into effect until the death & resurrection of Jesus! So everything Jesus said was based on the Old Covenant & He prophesied of the New Covenant that was to come! Paul was given the privilege of revealing the New Testament!

So again. The law (Ten Commandments) were never given to Christians!
Love, Closie

September 29 2014 Report

Mini Andrew Knight

Matthew 5:17-18 says Jesus did not come to destroy the law but fulfill the prophesies thereof. He was made under the law so that his sacrifice on the cross would be a lawful sacrifice, Hebrews 9:13-14 states how much more powerful Christ's blood is than that of bulls and goats. And the new covenant was taught by Jesus, and this is how Peter, whom was given the keys to heaven, knew what to do after Christ ascended in heaven. Paul was a later convert some 5 years or so after Christ was crucified and he even went with Peter for some time spreading the word. Peter knew the covenant before Paul did because Jesus taught it while he was alive.

October 06 2014 Report

Mini Andrew Knight

The Old Testament was given to the Israelites yes, and yes the new covenant is a better covenant than the old. But Paul said in Romans 8:15 states we have received the Spirit of adoption, we are adopted into his people. I am an adopted Jew by His Spirit.
And the New Testament was written on the foundation of the Old Testament because when the apostles wrote the New Testament books and epistles all they had for a bible was the Old Testament. Therefore if the foundation of the New Testament is obselete, that would make the New Testament obselete, therefore making God a liar, and God is not a liar. The Old Testament is our principle foundation for our New Testament salvation.

October 09 2014 Report

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