What should we learn from the life of Noah?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
We first hear about Noah in Genesis 5, which begins with "this is the book of the generations of Adam." This is a recurring phrase in Genesis, and chapter 5 details the godly line of Seth as oppose...

July 01 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini joyce whaley Supporter
I would have to say the most important thing that we could retrieve from Noah’s life was his obedience to the command of the Lord to build an Ark.

Just imagine, it had never rained on the earth before and I do not know if he had any idea what rain looked like. Or what devastation rain could cause if poured out in large amounts over a period of time. 

The word of God states that “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29. Noah believed the voice of the Lord although it sounded far fetched.

May 29 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Steven Best Supporter Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher
Noah's life is exemplary. Within his first 150 years, Cainan, Mahalalel, and Jared passed away, leaving only grandfather Methuselah and father Lamech to nurture and instruct him in the ways of the Lord. Such training was essential, having been born into a generation so corrupt, that God cursed the land upon which they toiled for substance (Gen 5:29). It was a time of gross immorality, when the sons of God abandoned their former, celestial state (Jude 1:6), and took for themselves human wives, who birthed giants (Gen 6:4-6). According to the Dead Sea Scrolls (Enoch ch 6-11, Jubilees ch 5-7), in order to accomplish their plans, the Watchers seduced mankind by corrupting them with the knowledge of metallurgy, weaponry, warfare, witchcraft, cosmetology, astrology, abortion, and according to rabbinical tradition, the acceptance of homosexual marriage. This last development led to a complete breakdown in the family structure, the practice of beastiality and the corruption of all flesh (Gen Rabbah 26:4-5; Lev Rabbah 23:9). Thus,the biblical narrative states that the earth was corrupted and filled with violence (Gen 6:11-12). However, among men, Noah alone found grace with God, being just and perfect in his generations, implying unsullied DNA (Gen 6: 8-9).

He was 480 years of age, when God called him to preach, and he did so for 120 years, while building the ark, despite never seeing a single convert (Gen 6:3, I Pet 3:20). In Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews 2.3.1, we find the additional insight that ultimately "Noah moved him and his people away from them, for fear they would kill him." He was 600 at the time of the flood, and about 700, at the birth of Peleg (division) and Joktan (dispute). This was when Noah divided the earth by lot, in order to prevent tribal and territorial disputes (Gen 10:25, Chr 1:19, also see Jubilees 9). According to the Talmud, Noah commanded his children to establish governments and nations, with statutes based upon 7 Noahide Laws, banning idolatry, blasphemy, murder, sexual immorality, stealing, and consumption of blood or flesh cut from a living animal. Courts were then established to enforce these laws, and add new ones. 

Prior to the flood, Noah strived with the souls of men, only to see them harden their hearts, and reap the rewards of ungodly rebellion in the deluge. Standing amidst the water soaked remains of a fully defunct civilization, he worshiped Almighty God and received a great promise. 

He was the 10th of the pre-flood generations, and a messianic figure for his day. His life spanned 950 years, which was surely a reward from the Lord (Deut 5:33, I Pet 3:10). From Noah we should learn the importance of knowing God’s voice; the absolute necessity of obedience; perseverance in the face of disappointment; faithfulness in the face of failure or disappointment; the fact we cannot be responsible for others decisions, once they have heard the truth; no matter how bad it seems, God is always faithful, and he always has a plan to bless the remnant who are faithful to Him.

January 21 2016 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
 Noah walked with God in spite of surrounding iniquity (Gen. 6:8-12). There were saints in Caesar’s household. Philippians 4:22, NASB: "All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household." 

Just as there can be "wickedness in high places,” even so, there can be righteous ones in a wicked environment. 

Ephesians 6:12:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Allow me to add a special person's testimony. 

Joshua Turk’s Testimony Of Salvation

I remember the time that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I was four years old (almost five). My dad, a missionary to Indonesia, was preaching in our garage to the mission that he had just started. At that time I hadn’t learned Indonesian and my mother was teaching us our Sunday school class in the living room of our house. She was teaching about Noah’s ark and the flood and how everyone that wasn’t in the ark died.

Everyone had the opportunity to get in the ark but only those that believed that God was going to destroy the earth with a flood actually got in and were saved. After it started raining it was to late to get in the boat. That is the way it is with trusting Christ as your savior. Jesus Christ has given everyone the opportunity to trust Him as their Savior, but only those that do will be born again and go to heaven. Those that don’t will die and go to hell. After you die it is too late. Your opportunity is over. You have to have faith and believe before it is too late. It is impossible to please God without faith. When you are dead you will experience the truthfulness of what God says, you will know! There will be no more faith involved.

That day, in our living room, in my mothers lap, I put my faith in Jesus Christ to be my Savior and he saved me. I knew that I was a sinner and that I wasn’t in the boat. I wanted to be in the boat. I knew that I couldn’t save myself and I repented of my sins and put my faith in Jesus Christ to save me, and He did! I am born again, I have everlasting life, I am saved!

John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:17 (KJV) For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

I have eternal life and I KNOW that there is a God and that Jesus Christ is the true and living God. I know. I tried it and it worked!

You can be saved too! When you realize that you cannot save yourself through your own works and you repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and confess him as your Savior, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:10(KJV) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Why not allow Jesus Christ to save you today?

January 03 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini John Appelt Supporter
Noah is best known for building the ark and the safety of eight people during the Flood of the corrupted earth, Genesis 6:12, 7:7. Considering Noah and the ark, the words of Jesus are appropriate, Matthew 24:37-39. As the ark was a refuge for the few people from the Flood, the Lord Jesus promises refuge for believers before the judgments of the Tribulation are poured out on the world.

After a year upon the waters that covered the whole earth, the ark landed on the mountains of Ararat, Genesis 8:4.

There are clues as to where the ark was and where Noah settled afterwards. There are four main sites that claim to be the place, two of which are in the eastern end of Turkey, Agri Dagi and Cudi (pronounced “Judy”) Dagi. Two are in Iran, Damavand and Alvand. This last place is in the Zagros Mountains and fits the best. 

In his article, “Where Is Noah’s Ark? A Closer Look at the Biblical Clues,” D. Russell Humphreys said, “The clues lead to a location somewhere in the Zagros Mountains just east of southern Iraq.” 

The first clue he mentioned was the mention of mountains in plural in Genesis 8:4 “upon the mountains of Ararat.” That rules out all but Alvand. 

The second clue is the direction the people later migrated, Genesis 11:2. They went westward which would be from the Zagros Mountains, which was not too far away, and this fits timewise, about a generation afterwards. 

In “Seven Mountains to Aratta: Searching for Noah’s Ark in Iran,” B. J. Corbin, proposed that the mountains of Ararat is the land of Aratta in Sumerian mythology based on the similarity of names. This land today is southwestern Iran. 

When Adrammelech and Sharezer assassinated their father Sennacherib of Assyria, they escaped into Ararat, II Kings 19:37, Isaiah 37:38. Also, Jeremiah 51:27 links the kingdom of Ararat with Minni and Ashkenaz which were in the dominion of the Medes. 

The site of domestication of many crops and animals is evidenced to be in the Zagros Mountains which has ideal weather conditions for agriculture. Most notable is evidence of very early wine production, Genesis 9:20. 

According to legend, 65 feet below the summit of Alvand is the burial place for Noah and Shem and is also the location of annual animal sacrifices, so that the mountain is called by the Greeks, “Mount Jasonion,” resembling the Persian name, “Ayazana” meaning “fire altars.”

On the side of Alvand Mountain at Ganj Nameh (“treasure epistle” or “war epistle”) there are in huge rocks, two rectangular panels of cuneiform inscriptions by Darius the Great and Xerxes the Great, in three languages (Old Persian, Neo-Babylonian, and Neo-Elamite). This is located on the imperial road from Ecbatana to Babylon. Perhaps this connection to the revered site of ancient patriarchs enabled the rulers to establish their sacred right to rule.

In all probability, this area was where Noah and family began their post-Flood life and was near the Tower of Babel.

July 02 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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