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What was the light that God spoke in Genesis 1:3?


Genesis 1:3

ESV - 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Clarify Share Report Asked May 17 2014 Mini vickie brickhouse

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Mini Dewi Madden
In my opinion the referral to light in Genesis 1:3 is the light from Jesus. Jesus is described as being the light and the author and creator of all things. 

This question is often asked by the Atheistic community as it supposedly disproves Genesis. The typical statement is "How can there be day and night without the sun". If God is the light then he himself can use that light to make light over the face of the earth. To support this theory all we need to do is look at Genesis 1:14 when God creates "lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night". This is referring to the stars (light at night) and the sun. Supporting the idea that God is indeed the light that is used over the expanse of the Earth.

We have to realise that we will not understand the full details of how God created everything we see around us. Its due to his divine authority that he can defy the rules of Physics and nature because he is the creator God. 

Hope that helps.

July 25 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Danny Hickman Supporter Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
What is the light that God spoke in Genesis 1:3?

Light according to dictionary.com is 'something that makes things visible.' 

That actually describes a SOURCE of illumination. The sun, the stars... 
Light itself is a kind of energy, radiant energy, luminous energy. Energy is the ability to do work, power. 
We add all the above up and light is the brightness or illumination that allows the invisible to become visible. 

Is a source necessary for light is the question? Of course it is! So the real question is what, other than the words of God, which were "let there be light," was the source of the illumination that resulted after He spoke? There is only one natural source of illumination on Earth, the sun, and it was a few days short of its curtain call, it hadn't clocked in yet. 

Hebrews 11:3 sheds a little light on this question of how light was first introduced to this planet. It says 'By faith we understand that the worlds were created by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which can be seen.' 

So that explanation is accepted by people of faith. To others who doubt that there is another source of light other than the sun, I say 'good luck with a logical explanation for the source of the sun, other than the explanation of Hebrews 11:3.' 

The illumination preceded the sun. There is further evidence to consider: 
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12). (Jesus said this after He rescued the woman caught in adultery from her accusers). 

He who is blessed and only Sovereign, the King of Kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. (1Tim 6:15b,16). 

Sounds to me like the Creator has His own light. The bible isn't speaking of the sun. The Lord doesn't dwell on the sun. What's the source of the light He dwells in? Whatever the source is it is made of things that are not visible to make visible the things that are.

July 06 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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