Does visiting the "holy land" increase a person's chances of going to heaven?


Clarify Share Report Asked April 22 2014 Stringio Matt Howard Supporter

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Galen 2 Galen Smith Supporter Retired from Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary
If the question is whether a visit to the Holy Land increases a person’s likelihood of going to heaven because his visit is in some way meritorious for him in God’s eyes, the answer is “no.” Going to heaven is not something we can achieve by doing any type or amount of good works, including visiting the Holy Land.

The Bible teaches us that going to heaven is one aspect of the salvation that God offers us through Christ. Scripture tells us we are all sinners, unworthy of heaven, and there is nothing we can do to deserve God’s forgiveness for our sins. But because God is loving and merciful, he sent his Son, Jesus, to provide us with a way to get to heaven. The Bible tells us Jesus died for our sins on the cross, fully paying the penalty for our sin. He was buried, but God raised him back to life. Now, because our debt has been paid, we can enjoy salvation as a free gift from God, simply by believing what Christ did for us, and trusting that he will save us. When we trust Jesus to save us, we are given a multitude of blessings. Immediate blessings are forgiveness for sin, joining God’s family, being heirs of God, and many more. Blessings yet to come are being resurrected into a new glorious body, enjoying eternal fellowship with God and other believers, and others. If a person trusts in Christ and his saving work, they become genuine Christians, and have the promise of eternal life with the Lord.

The wording of the last part of this question troubles me a bit. It’s the words, “a person’s chances of going to heaven.” Going to heaven isn’t really a matter of chance. The Apostle John says in 1 John 5:13, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” God wants us “to know [we] have eternal life,” not to just hope, wish, or leave to chance. Any person that hopes to work his way to heaven can never be sure he has worked enough. But those who believe in Jesus Christ, trusting in what he has done for them rather than what they hope they can do for themselves, can be certain that God will keep his promise of eternal life.

There is much value in visiting the Holy Land. I spent three months studying and sightseeing there, and it was a great help in understanding the Scriptures. Now, when I read narrative passages from the Bible, I can visualize the places described, not from imagination, but from memory. Not everyone is able to visit, but for those who can, I encourage them to do so. 

If the question is whether visiting the Holy Land could increase a person’s chance of hearing the gospel, or being impressed by the things they see and learn so that they might respond to Christ’s offer of salvation, the answer is, in a sense, “yes.” But visiting a good church near you next Sunday might also increase one’s “odds” of hearing and believing the gospel.

Going to heaven is not dependent on any religious pilgrimage, except perhaps the figurative pilgrimage to the foot of the cross of Christ.

February 05 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

David goliath victory hg clr Jim Tumlinson Supporter One beggar leading others to where the bread is
Yes and no.
Here is the yes, perhaps you are not born again and you think that if you go this will increase your going to heaven. God has placed a desire in your heart and as you plan your trip thinking that this will come to pass you find others who are going, and you meet more and more born again Christians and they begin to plant more and more seeds of faith for your to receive Jesus as your savior.

Then you go to the Holy Land and once you are there the power of God moves and your sense His presence and your heart is changed and you finally give your life to Jesus and get saved. Once you are saved you will then go to heaven without a doubt

Now the no, 


Acts 4:12 2 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." NIV
So basically unless you are born again and receive Jesus as your saviour then no matter what you do you will not go to heaven.

try this site

April 24 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
No, I believe the Bible teaches that you can only go to Heaven if you trust Jesus as your only Savior. You have to be saved by grace through faith based on the blood of Christ.

When I visited the "holy land," my Mom wanted me to bring back some "holy water" from Jacob's Well. (She wasn't saved yet.) Well, I tried, but the jet ride home evaporated the water I had collected.

February 11 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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