What does it mean when last night I was crying uncontrollably while praying to God?


Clarify (1) Share Report Asked January 25 2014 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini linda rodriquez

It probably means that you really needed to pour your heart out to the Lord, and that you were experiencing an emotional cleansing and healing in some part of your psyche you were not aware of, but God knows. Don't
shy away from this experience
when it happens; let God have
His way during your prayer time.
He loves you.

January 25 2014 Report

10154324 660559607325867 601417579 n Paul Bayne

First off, are you a biblically saved Christian? Are you a Catholic or...? I am asking this because God deals with people differently. If you are a biblically saved Christian, then chances are you were crying for one of two reasons.

1. You were being convicted over sin.
2. You were feeling appreciation over being saved.

If you are not a biblically saved Christian (someone living a pseudo-Christian life), then chances are you are being moved by emotion. I remember many time crying while singing Christian songs before I was genuinely saved. It was all emotion. What were you thinking about when you started crying? Could it be God is working on your heart? When I was saved by God in 2009, I cried for two weeks straight! When God opened my eyes to the reality of my sin murdering an innocent man, it broke me to my very core. I have never cried like that before, and as I pictured Christ hanging on that rugged cross, I was undone.

Could this be the reason for the tears? Some clarification could help.

January 25 2014 Report

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