How would I know If I a particular person is the husband/wife that God has intended for me?


Clarify Share Report Asked January 10 2014 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini faith green

Well I think you would know by testing the spirit.

January 10 2014 Report

Mini Antoinette Jones

This is all true,if you ask God to order your steps according to proverb3:5-6 and have faith in God's word. The answer will come.I did all that and marriage ended in divorce

January 12 2014 Report

Mini Larry Truelove

If you are a Christian living for God and if the other person is a Christian who is living for God, I don't know of any scriptures which say "this is how to identify THE ONE."

Risks of divorce are higher today because people take commitments less seriously. Get plenty of counseling, make sure the other person has good character and a compatible temperament. But even then marriage is a difficult institution, no matter how sincere and enthusiastic the two partners are.

There is no fool proof method to guarantee success. Perseverance is also important.

February 13 2014 Report

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