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There are words that come to mind like conviction, Assurance, certainty, etc. But one word sums it all up, and you have already used it. That would be FAITH. Believing in God wholeheartedly, acknowledging that God knows best, and would help to mould us and teach us in the way that would be best for us, without making us feeling that we are under a dictatorship. FAITH means we believe in God Himself, and not a god that will do what we think is the best solution for our problems. Not just in HIS timing, but his methods as well. Hope it helps! Love Lincoln
Specifically in relation to contentment with God's timing = Patience. Patience is more than merely waiting, it is bearing up/enduring during trials. It is like a soldier standing his ground while holding his shield up to guard against enemy arrows. We neither flee/retreat/abandon post or advance/charge without waiting on God. Patience is diligent activity and longsuffering, looking forward to our future hope (I Peter 1:3-9, Heb 6:10-12, 1 Tim 4:10, 1 Cor 15:50-58m Heb 3:6, James 1:12, etc) God is patient with us, and does not delay unduly (II Pet 3:8-9). Our labor for the Lord is not in vain (1 Cor 15:58). There is a time and season for everything, and God has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecc 3:1-11) Sometimes we have periods of blessing, sometimes of trial. This is necessary; if you think of plants, the winter is needed because that is when the roots grow deep. Even though we do not see the results until spring, we could not have spring without the winter. Even when we do not understand our circumstance, we can still know that God will provide and be content. (Phil 4: 12-13, Jer 14:22, Matt 6:25-34, Matt 10:28-31) Along with patience, we need humility to subject ourselves to the will of God. (James 4:13-17).
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