How can we know what our vocation is?

Some church leaders say that God will not tell us the colour of the equator ....in a similar way, he will not tell us which job to choose or which course to study.
Others say that if we do not adhere to God specific plan for our lives, which is tailor made for us, we risk losing eternal reward.
Who is right and why?

Clarify Share Report Asked September 26 2013 Mini Anonymous

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B8c746f3 63c7 43eb 9665 ef7fba8e191b Kelli Trujillo Supporter Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Musician
In the Bible we see many examples of people who had different vocations. Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 18:3), Cornelius was part of the Italian cohort (Acts 10), Zacchaeus was a tax collector (Luke 19), and it is believed that Jesus was a carpenter like His father, Joseph (Mark 6:3). These are just a few examples that we're given specifically of people who had a place of influence due to their vocation, or a vocation in addition to a ministerial calling.

What we can learn from these examples is that God creates people with many different kinds of gifts and callings, and there are many ways to bring Him honor and glory on the job. 

If you're trying to figure out what to do for a vocation or what to study in order to prepare for a vocation, I would start by taking inventory of the kinds of gifts and interests God has given you. These gifts, natural abilities and interests are from Him, and these can guide you as you seek His will for your life.

The important thing is to put God and His principles first in all that you do on the job, just as you would do in all other areas of your walk with Him.

Luke 3:10-14 says,

“What should we do then?” the crowd asked. John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same."

Even tax collectors came to be baptized. “Teacher,” they asked, “what should we do?”

“Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them.

Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?”

He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.”

We can see from this passage that John's advice to the people who were coming to him for baptism was to honor God as they went about their vocational business--good advice for us today.

God bless you as you pursue His vision for your life.

October 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Doktor D W Supporter
God's "plan" is for each one of us to receive Him as Savior. That's THE awesome, wonderful plan offered freely to those of us who believe in Him. Once we have received Him, He has a purpose for our lives. In each case, we are to witness to others. We are to tell others about Jesus.

A young person with a beautiful voice who is active in church may experience the call to be a musical director in a church or Christian university. That call will become so real that the youngster cannot ignore it, cannot "put it our of his/her mind." The call will be endorsed by the pastor, by the youngsters school choir, by the church choir. Folks will mention his / her awesome voice and indicate that they are in prayer about it. When the youngster becomes Spiritually convinced that he / she is hearing from God, that is when the decision must be made: Yes, Lord. Yes. Or maybe the decision is "Maybe, Lord," or "I need to think about it, Lord."

That youngster may grow up with that call so Spiritually active that he or she KNOWS that it is being placed on hold or rejected, and guilt feelings follow. IF the call is rejected, then at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where what one did for Jesus in his or her life is reviewed, that person will be informed of the rewards that they could have had, but will not receive. In no wise is their eternal security at stake --- just the loss of rewards.

I share this because that youngster was me. I sang solos and in choirs, but I never submitted to the call to be a musical director. My grandmother was the one who shared the call before I entered school. I'm still going to see that precious one, and I am going to love her beyond measure. 

I wrote this following a mountaintop experience in 1980.

When I was a university student the big question on campus was "What am I going to be? What will I major in? How should I prepare?" At the Christian college where I taught, Christian students agonized over "God’s will." They grieved, they spent sleepless nights, they cried in each others arms. "Why doesn’t He tell me His will?" was repeated over and over, in the saddest, most anguished voice. My response then and now is this: 1) If you have received Jesus as Savior and Lord, 2) if you are growing in knowledge and wisdom and strength, and 3) if you are telling others about our wonderful Savior, then you are smack in the middle of God's will! So why ask questions like, "What is God's will...." in this or that situation? You're IN it. The simple, glorious Truth is that Jesus Christ answers the questions,

Do I count? (Significance)
Who am I?  (Identity)
Who cares? (Recognition)
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Paul tells us in Ephesians that our citizenship is in our heavenly Heaven and that as such we are royal ambassadors here on earth, representing our Savior. Don't think of yourself as just another number. Your eternal home is already in the heavenly Heaven, Citizen! When asked why you do what you do as a Christian, answer that you are an ambassador for Christ. "I'm walking in God's Will! I have SIR! His pathway is mine!" What an assignment!

Knowing that you are IN His Divine Will, be aware of what He is calling you to do.

September 28 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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