What does it mean in Prov 21:20 that there is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man swallows it up?


Proverbs 21:20

NASB - 20 There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, But a foolish man swallows it up.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 13 2013 Surendra pp copy Surendra Khadka

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Amberlin Lockheart

We expect money but we do not respect money. God can give, but God can take away too. You may not have the best of everything, but you should make the best of everything that you have. There are people that own less "things" than you, and may even be happier. Love is what we take with us when we "go". God is your provider, He promises to take care of His obedient children. All to often everyone falls guilty of letting our possessions own us.
God bless you, all who read this. Nice answers! Thank you for sharing. And peace be with you! Know that you are a valued, beloved human being worthy of redemption!!! Take care!

May 15 2015 Report

Data Akin Meseko

A wise man aligns with God's plan by building the future today while a foolish man destroys the fruit bearing seed today.

September 05 2015 Report

Open uri20150919 23215 oj4a3x Timothy Ramos

I believe in the Dwelling of of the wise (righteous in Gods eye) would be the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells within for those to turn to during times of trial or answers, making a person that does this by prayer or meditation on what God wants making him wise. Anytime decision that you search for the will of God making it will turn out positive. Those who are foolish and swallow up these treasures I assume don't even think about it, or what it could be used for. When you do that with the Holy Spirit, you ignore the greatest Resource there is. Which is a logical way to using what you get because you ignore the one Thing that will allow you to reason properly. The Holy Spirit. Just throwing what you come by to the way side. Because in us dwells no good thing without God and the Holy Spirit. Our decisions are usually rash, quick, and no good. We are no good without the Holy Spirit, so how can anything we do without Him be good or right.

September 20 2015 Report

229162 4425341508812 1107742815 n Debbie Benfield

That's absolutely right, Timothy! Very good thoughts for this meditation! The Holy Ghost can make me wise about things I'm naturally ignorant and would be foolish concerning.

This is what God does for those who will listen: He shows them what to do for maximum wisdom and blessing, healing, and long, happy lives. But his ways are odd to the flesh and at first they seem to deprive his people of blessings. But for those that choose to obey, His ways have wisdom higher than we'd ever have on our own.

So we don't have to be foolish with our money even if we are poor and unlearned. Our Father is very wealthy, and wise beyond measure. All we have to do is ask, seek, and knock and the bible promises that if any lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who will give liberally and upbraideth not. He won't mock us nor reprove us for asking.

November 05 2015 Report

Data Myrtle Linder

believe the JESUS CHRIST is the SON OF GOD and accept HIM as our SAVIOR and we will be sved.

November 21 2015 Report

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