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We know that God is real because He has revealed Himself to us in three ways: in creation, in His Word, and in His Son, Jesus Christ.The most basic proof of God's existence is simply what He has ma...
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All of creation is a witness to know there is a God who designed it all. Only God could create something from nothing. We are made in the image of God and can create, but only from God made material. We can not create something from nothing. Even ourselves we know are fearfully and wonderfully made, It was God who knit us together in the likeness of human flesh. We are Gods creation in whom He dwells when we live by faith. We did not create ourselves, and did not decide when we would be born. But God knew us before the foundation of the world. We are finite, but God is infinite. He has put it in our hearts to know Him as the creator of the universe. He has written His laws in our hearts from the beginning. But sin has blinded us until He opened our eyes to the truth. The natural man can not know the ways of God. They are foolishness to him. The natural man always makes his own god so he does not have to answer to the one and only true God. The natural man trusts in His own righteousness. But sinners can be saved. Those that have put their trust in the Lord will not be ashamed.
Open a Bible. Read Genesis 1:1, John 1:1ff, Hebrews 1:1ff, 1 John 1:1ff. ff = and following, until you see the answer, usually within just a few verses.
I am answering this question from what my experience has been with GOD ALMIGHTY. His Word has many promises for genuine believers (Hebrews 4:12); They were spoken by Him through the prophets; yet still apply to us throughout the ages: He is my Shepherd (Psalm 23). He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He shows us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3). He heals our diseases and forgives our iniquities/our unfair and wrong behavior (Psalms 103); His plans are to give us hope and a good and prosperous future (Jeremiah 29:11). If we trust in Him and acknowledge Him before we seek to understand a matter, He promises to direct us in the way we should go (Proverbs 3:5-6); and the last one I will mention is Psalm 139 - He knows us through and through! If you read His Word and let it saturate your whole being, you will come to understand and see the marvelous works of the Lord in your life! GOD's BLESSINGS...
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