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There is no specific scriptural support for near-death experiences. Many people use 2 Corinthians 12:2-5 as a biblical proof text of near-death experiences. However, this is taking great liberty wi...
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Although there are no specific instances in the Bible of near-death experiences, there are a few examples of resurrection. Lazarus was dead, and Jesus tarried in getting to the scene to make sure of it. Although Lazarus' personal experience is not recorded, he probably had a pretty good testimony to tell. It obviously wasn't his "time", and we can see this event as giving the glory to God. Our fear of the unknown draws us to the stories told by those who claim to have had "out of body" experiences. Whether the stories are true or not, it is hard to dispute someone's testimony. I know a man who took a terrible fall, and when the ambulance arrived, the EMT's were certain he was dead. He says he was in a waiting room, feeling no pain. As he was being informed that it wasn't his time, he was jolted back by the pain of being thrown on the stretcher. This man is convinced that God is not through with him on earth. Is it biblical? No, but who's to say that God did not engineer the occurrence that those who heard would believe and be brought to an understanding in Jesus, and therefore get to experience heaven firsthand someday?
I agree with Michael. In addition, John 3:13 states that no man has ascended up to heaven except He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And, Proverbs 30:3 says, "Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended?" Only four writers in the Bible had visions of heaven: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul and John. And, in 1 Kings 22:19, Micaiah had a brief glimpse. And, Stephen in his dying moments, in Acts 7:55, saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. All glimpses and visions in Scripture are consistent with one another and fixate on the glory of our holy God. They are all overwhelmed and silenced by God's holiness, and none were near-death experiences. The near-death/afterlife experiences are contrary to Scripture, inconsistent with each other, and they are not overwhelmingly, if at all, focused on God's glory.
I can only think of one instance of a most probable instance of a near-death-experience (NDE). Acts 14:19 "Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead." The Jews only thought he was dead. He may very well have been close to death without actually dying. It was probably a miracle that he escaped alive. I just had a near-death-experience myself. I was at work having chest pain and tingling down my left arm and had a heart attack last Thursday night. I called 911 and the rescue squad rushed me to the nearest hospital as they were required to do. I had no color, experiencing dizziness, and a desire to depart and be with Jesus which is far better. But God had other plans. The cardiologist put in 1 or 2 stents and saved my life!
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