Were the Salem Witch Trials biblical?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
A dark period in the history of the United States, the Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and trials to prosecute people accused of witchcraft in the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Middl...

July 01 2013 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gregory Tomlinson Supporter Minister, husband,father,grandfather,vet., college graduate
Were the Salem Witch Trials biblical?

In a one word answer No, there are many misconceptions about the Salem witch trials that are fed by so many papers and reports, movies and a thriving tourist industry that profits from it and keeps the topic circulating. I will address 2.

The first misconception I would address is the idea that it was an American event: it actually took place in 1692-1693 84 years before the declaration of Independence. The American colonies then were under British rule and witch trials took place all over Europe before and after.

The second misconception is that “The Church” started it and perpetrated it and it was a religious event. In actuality, although these colonists were mainly followers of puritanism, the King appointed “Sir William Phips was appointed Governor of Massachusetts just prior to the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692. Phips created the special witchcraft Court of Oyer and Terminer, and subsequently dismantled it after the Boston ministers and the general public turned against the trials.”

Sir William Phips - Salem Witch Trials Notable Persons - University of...
med by 

It was later disavowed and restitution was paid to the remaining families.

It was actual a social phenomenon; that much like the politically correct movement, used backbiting, gossip, whispering and tail bearing to feed cultural false perception of evil (the grapevine, forerunner of social media). Rumors almost always preceded accusations. 

Its victims were mainly poor (unable to afford a defense) and ill thought of in their community and accusations were a way to express wrath (or get even), it spread very quickly and escalated in two incidences that year, in and round the Salem area. 

It was actually short lived and had people falsely confessing and naming other friends or relations to escape scrutiny. When the accusations came of prominent or the wealthy they were pretty quickly discredited.

The biblical teaching for Christians tells us not to engage in backbiting, gossip (whispering), tail bearing and to be quick to forgive and evaluate one’s self not others.

Jesus said whatsoever you measure you mete it will be measured back to you (measure or how you judge others is how you will be judged). This is eye for an eye but instead of the focus on punishment Jesus shift’s the perception to if you want forgiveness you must show forgiveness, mercy for mercy compassion and understanding for the same treatment from God our righteous judge. 

He reminds us we all have come short and need God’s grace and love to escape the judgement to come.(KJV,2018)

Even Old Testament law did not allow this type of action as it required proof and more than one witness to put someone to death. The law states exod.22:18 thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. At this time human sacrifice and demon worship was being practiced by the cultures around them, and its practise was not to be emulated. 

It is very important to note: The Salem event was a very different situation, and the churches of that time aided in bringing it to an end. God is not willing that any should perish but come to repentance and redemption by the precious blood of His dear son Jesus the Christ my savior and soon coming King. Maranatha
Judgement references: Matt.7.2, Mark4:24,Luke6:38
Forgiving: Mark11:25,26, 
Tale bearing/gossip/busyboding:2cor.12:20, 1Tim.5:13, 1Thes.4:11, 2 Thes.3:11, 1Peter 4:15

March 12 2018 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

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