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Bro. Houdmann makes many great points. I would like to add a small comment. I believe that God gave His inspired Word (2 Tim 3:16,17) to the Jews because He knew they would hold the torch of writing it over and over to preserve it. Even Joshua copied the Law in front of the people after God gave them victory in battle. (Jos 8:32)
Today, the Jews still copy the Torah (Law). Every letter very carefully copied until they have a perfect scroll, then it is wrapped, sealed, numbered and a new one is started. Hand written scrolls of the Word of God, so precious and priceless!
What a beautiful project for a family! Write a family Torah! Each member contributing in their own hand. Turn off the television, the computer, all the distractions.. Write God's Word on paper and ask Him to write it in your heart!
(Pro 7:2,3)
Be Blessed