Is Christianity a white man's religion?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini linda rodriquez

Good answer. God is not a specific race or color. The Bible says that God is a SPIRIT and they that worship Him must do it in spirit and truth. Christianity is NOT A RELIGION. IT is a relationship with the only true and LIVING GOD. Man is also not a race or color. Know it or not, man is also a SPIRIT who possess a soul and lives in a body.
When we die that body, no matter what color, goes back to the dirt from which it was made. Our spirits were created in the image and likeness of God. Amen. Christianity is NOT A RELIGION. Amen.

January 10 2014 Report

Mini linda rodriquez

When you understand the difference between Spirit, Soul and Body, many of your questions will be made clear for you.

January 10 2014 Report

Data Tony Flores

Christianity is a religion for all humanity. God is not prejudice. Who ever is prejudice is mocking God for He created and loves all people. Prejudice and hate is sin and we have to confess it as such. I don't understand prejudice in people that God has blessed with abundance and intelligence. Don't we have better things to do than mock almighty God?

God is Spirit whom we worship in truth and Spirit. Why do some humans make such a big deal about the color of your skin? I an sure that Satan uses this weakness of some people for his own glory. Give God the glory for creating you in His image and believe His Word that who so ever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

September 28 2015 Report

Data Danny Hickman

In my opinion, Christianity is a religion, provable by it having its own distinction by name. The practice of recognizing the relationship the believer has with Jesus, through various observances is the religion called Christianity.

As for racial prejudice, it's no big thing. If we were all identical in appearance, people would come up with a reason to put each other down. It has nothing to do with the amount of melanin in our skin. Did Cain kill Abel because of skin tone?

Hatred can't be explained by culture, class, ethnicity and religion. A fallen nature due to sin is the reason for all of our people problems. Stating that we were all created in the image of God, as evidence that none are better or less than another, is not why we were told that God gave us His image.

I grew up being told that we, black people, were spiritually superior to our oppressors. I wouldn't be surprised if the "oppressors" told their children the same thing. Nobody is right in a situation like that. I believe the same thing is being taught today that was taught when I was growing up. Not until the universality of our sickness, sin, (Mr Houdmann's analogy) is recognized as the problem that it is, will we be able to begin to forgive each other.

Cancer victims feel a sense of compassion for each other, while people with a fallen nature judge each other instead. Also, I don't think the parents of cancer victims tell their children that the other cancer victims are in worse shape than they are.

December 21 2019 Report

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