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Being motivated for soul winning is a good thing, but we must define some terms first. Soul winning is a metaphor for evangelism, or witnessing. As such, this is a good thing to pursue. The Bible c...
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The question is: "How can I become more motivated for soul winning?" Pray this prayer for more labourers to be sent into the lord's harvest! Mt 9:37-38: Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. We are commanded to do the following: Mark 12:31You shall love your neighbour as yourself. The first priority we have towards our neighbor in loving him/her is to preach/publish the good news message that Jesus preached about the coming kingdom of God which Jesus will rule over in the new age! If we do this we have surely shown love to our neighbors. If we do so we need to be prepared for the following: 2 Tim:3:12: all that will live godly in the anointed one Jesus shall suffer persecution Why? Because not all our neighbors will be overjoyed upon hearing the good news message of the lord Jesus. In fact it may cause them to ridicule or treat you with derision.
Firstly we need to understand what is our job and what is Gods. We can't save anyone, only God can, He is the one who draws us to himself (Jn 6:65). I am not the saviour of the world, Jesus is! Knowing this relieves a huge weight off my shoulders. I don't have to save the world! But I do need to do my part in Gods rescue plan for the world, I need to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel." (Mark 16:15). How do I get more motivated to do this? 1. Pray, 2. Get equipped and 3. Just do it! 1.Praying aligns our heart with Gods. 2. Getting equipped gives us confidence to share when we learn with quality tools (I use the Gospel in 7 App on my phone and iPad, great way to share the Gospel). And 3. Just do it - I find that it is when I am actually sharing with people that I feel the most compassion for the lost, rather than at home praying as you are face to face with someone that needs a Savior and your heart goes out to them!
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