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My husband has been struggling with physical abuse towards me only for about 4 years. I sought out help in my former pastor, current pastor, and my husband's family. We tried separation, got Christian counseling as a couple, and my husband got counseling by himself. As he has a degree in biblical counseling and masters in Bible interpretation, he is aware of what to do (according to the counselors). After years of repeated abuse, then apology, then abuse again, my friend has called the police on my husband. From then on, the abuse has happened maybe twice. On top of that, my husband had been involved in watching porn, despite having an accountability program installed on his devices (he has learned to find sneaky ways to find things, and turn it off). He has also been paying for sex with prostitutes, for online websites, etc. He always apologizes, takes the steps suggested by the counselor, but then in a week or two, talks himself into stopping these restrictions because he is "fine" and would never do it again. From me, he expects forgiveness. If I am not happy, outgoing, and have boundaries towards him, I am being called unforgiving, not wanting to move forward. As you can imagine after 4 years of both, I’m exhausted and have zero trust towards my husband. I can't move on and pretend all is fine. Do you see any hope in this situation? Any advice? Thank you in advance.
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Dear lady contact an attorney asap and start laying the legal ground work. You have been more than faithful to your marriage vows. But they require two moral adults working toward any goal together. Sadly your marriage ship has been taking on water for some four years. And now that water is rapidly inflowing and could cause a rollover as she slides down at any moment. On this you have received counsel from those who know and care for you. But you had to reach out just one last time, maybe someone has magic. We understand it's very hard to watch a long held love die. But it's now time to get clear when she slides, so swim to save yourself and any children. One last thing please return when all is well, so we'll know those prayers were answered. In the Lord's freedom and timing....warrior on
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