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Revelation 1:1 - 20
ESV - 1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John. 2 Who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw.
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Babylon is used figuratively by Peter. See 1 Peter 5:13 where Babylon is traditionally interpreted as Rome. It is used of the world opposed to God (Revelation 14:8 See also Revelation 17:3-6; Revelation 18:1-24) biblehub Wiersbe says that Babylon used symbolically means Rebellion (Anti-God World System) in Revelation14:8; 16:9; 18:1-3. Scripture reveals that the antichrist will later shift his headquarters to Jerusalem at the midpoint of the tribulation period (Matthew 24:15-20; 2 Thessalonians 2:4), and then to commercial New Babylon, which will serve as his economic headquarters in the second half of the tribulation period (Revelation 18). A powerful false religion associated with New Babylon will arise early in the tribulation period that will exercise global influence (Revelation 17:15). It will be utterly unfaithful to the truth and will therefore be called a spiritual “prostitute” (Rev. 17: 1, 5, 15-16). RR
I would say that, in one sense, the use of the term "Babylon" in the book of Revelation pertained to the Roman Empire of that time with respect to its opposition to Christianity and its persecution of Christians, just as Babylon had been an enemy of, and a place of exile for, the Israelite tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the Old Testament. In a larger sense, the term "Babylon" can also be used (even down to the present day) to refer to the sinful immorality of the entire system of this current fallen world under the control of Satan that sets itself up against God and His rule, and that will be done away with when God establishes His kingdom on earth.
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