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Although the Bible mentions weddings (as in John 2:1-11), and speaks of conduct and attitudes that a husband and wife should practice toward each other throughout their life together (as in Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:21-33, and Colossians 3:18-21), it does not (to my knowledge) specify requirements for any particular type of ceremony according to which a marriage is to be solemnized. From a religious (Christian) standpoint, I would say that such a ceremony would normally be officiated by one or more representatives of the faiths of the bride and groom who have the clerical authority to perform such rituals. (However, such religious participation is not an absolute requirement for the marriage to be legally valid.) It should also (from a civil standpoint) comply with the requirements or laws (including associated documentation, medical tests, and time frames) of the jurisdiction in which the ceremony is performed in order to be legally valid and binding (Romans 13:1-7). A Christian bride and groom should also approach a wedding with an understanding of the commitment (to each other and in the eyes of God) that it represents, from both physical and emotional standpoints.
I do fully agree with Mr. Tim Maas. My point of view for asking this question was that probably there are different modes of ceremonies followed all over the world to conduct the Christian marriage ceremonies. There can be many similarities in the ceremonies too. The system followed at a particular location can be influenced by the local customs and systems followed by the believers in that geographical area. But what is the biblical support available for these various type of practices what we see presently around the world? Surely there is no correct guidance given in the Bible for a particular method to be followed. In that case, what are we following locally? Or according the local culture, it seems believers conduct the marriages and that only becomes the standard norm later. But do we really need to strictly follow such norms? Why can't we change and bring our own patterns? Do we require someone to solemnize the marriage? Do we have a biblical support for such need of a solemnizer? These are some of my concerns with above questions for which we may have to look up to God for proper guidance. This being the situation, each individual believer must have the right to follow their own personal interests in fulfilling the marriage ceremonies rather than following a religious head's guidance or restrictions in this matter. Such rights of freedom must be there in the churches, and the church should not oppose any such interests of the individual believer. But I don't know whether this will be applicable or acceptable to the church, as well as to the people in authority. How we can bring more healthy change, simplifying the procedures and avoiding the need of a solemnizer? If the Bible is silent on certain topics, the believers must have the freedom to have their own choices recognized by the church rather than an individual believer going along with the terms of the church.
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